Sheights / StarboundSimpleVoreMod

A Simple Starbound Vore Mod
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problem when respawning #253

Open GoldeRuby opened 1 year ago

GoldeRuby commented 1 year ago

as the title would suggest, I often have issues when respawning from the fatal/hungry preds; instead of spawning me on the ship, it respawns me somewhere in the same orbit as my ship this wouldn't be a serious problem, if it weren't for the fact that recently (more like just now) I have my ship parked over one of those satellites you have to beam into by mech.. I'm using FU and I don't have a Mech yet I don't have that many Pixels on me, but this happens enough that I feel it should be brought to someone's attention, as this would be a much worse problem if I wasn't playing on Casual image of where I ended up after respawn below: image_2023-01-24_192712708

EDIT/UPDATE: it seems like I don't just respawn in orbit if the preds are placed in my ship, I've done it a few times and haven't seen it happen yet, might just be an issue with preds placed on-planet