Sheights / StarboundSimpleVoreMod

A Simple Starbound Vore Mod
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Issue with multiple digestion #254

Open AnonymousWQT opened 1 year ago

AnonymousWQT commented 1 year ago

Issue: When a dpred (capacity >1) digests more than one prey without releasing anyone else the game send the player back to his ship. Whenever returning to the planet the moment the pred (or maybe the other prey) is loaded again the same error happens and the player is sent back to ship. Can brick a planet if the pred is near its spawn and all portals.

Steps to reproduce: Spawn a tenant dpred that can hold multiple prey and let him feed and digest at least 2 npc (and player if you want to), wait around for multiple digestions and stay close (pred must be loaded, not necessarily in sight of the player).

Has been tested multiple times on my side with naga and victor (didn't really have the motivation to test more).

I'm sure I have found the issue and seem to have corrected it as well, here, (it was an access to a nil value) but I would like at least another person to reproduce it and confirm that it is not just on my side that it happens. In the meantime I'll do a merge request linking to this issue.

Here seems to be the error in the log:

stack traceback:
[C]: in ?
[C]: in field 'entityExists'
[string "/scripts/vore/npcvore.lua"]:189: in global 'digest'
[string "/scripts/vore/npcvore.lua"]:107: in function <[string "/scripts/vore/npcvore.lua"]:87>