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Communicate Shelby Chat to Userbase #770

Open ckurdziel opened 11 years ago

ckurdziel commented 11 years ago

Need a blog post here and feature announcement. @spinosa do you want to give this a shot or do you want me to?

I think we should have this ready for the blog the first week of January.

spinosa commented 11 years ago

i wouldn't mind doing a video for this communication


spinosa commented 11 years ago


[dan] I love emailing videos with my friends. We have long threads of hilarious stuff. And some really interesting things occasionally. But I usually text with my friends, it's a lot easier since my phone is always on me.

So we wondered, could we make sharing videos simple and fun like texting, but use email so it works everywhere? That's when Shelby Chat was born.

It's designed from the ground up to work beautifully on your phone. I can send my brother clips about cars. And when my group of college friends sends a video about our upcoming reunion, I can respond with a great quote from spaceballs, "when will then be now, soon." It's pretty easy to find that clip and send it like a text, right from Shelby Chat.

So sign in to shelby dot tv and click the email button to start a private conversation about the next great korean rap video.

I'd love to hear your feedback, or see a great video you found, email dan at shelby dot tv. [trailing off] that might have been a mistake

timed myself reading, it's ~50s with decent editing we can be under 1:15 which seems about right will also need B roll of 1) shelby chat on the phone and maybe web 2) clicking email button in app

spinosa commented 11 years ago

New script option, based on Apple's "Do Not Disturb" ad which focuses on things people do, and then draws a connection to iPhone. Dan and @iceberg901 have a conversation in front of the blackboard, quoting a couple of movies...

[josh] Dan, you're bleeding. [dan, quoting] I ain't got time to bleed. [josh, quizically] huh? [dan] it's the best non-arnold line from Predator, when jesse the body ventura is storming the first village. But it really can't hold a candle to Arnold's lines. "Come with me if you want to live" "Get to the choppa! do it now!" [josh, moving things along] You should probably put a bandaid on that cut, and then we should do the product video for Shelby Chat. [dan, quoting] but when will then be now? [josh, quoting, satisfactorily] soon!

[dan] I'll be back

[dan, voiceover] We love quoting movies here at Shelby, and our group text is always busy. So we built Shelby Chat.

[dan, voiceover] Let's go over to To start a new conversation with some friends I'll click Email Share. I'll enter Frank and Nicks email addresses, and send it. Now Frank and Nick will both get emails. They can reply with a comment or video of their own, right from their phone or laptop.

Just realized i didn't end up giving josh any great lines, b/c he often quotes such obscure shit. So he could be re-casted. But if you've got script ideas I'd love to hear them.

This video should be accompanied by a simple/short blog post with the following how-to images:

  1. screenshot with instructional callout focusing on Email Share button (should focus on a frame with a famous thumbnail)
  2. screenshot of mobile view of shelby chat with same video thumbnail as above