ShellAlbert / GunSight

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cross compile kernel-rockchip for rk3399 #7

Open ShellAlbert opened 5 years ago

ShellAlbert commented 5 years ago

14.5 Compile FriendlyCore/FriendlyDesktop/Lubuntu/EFlasher Kernel Source Code

git clone --depth 1 -b nanopi4-linux-v4.4.y kernel-rockchip cd kernel-rockchip make ARCH=arm64 nanopi4_linux_defconfig export PATH=/opt/FriendlyARM/toolchain/6.4-aarch64/bin/:$PATH make ARCH=arm64 nanopi4-images

After compilation is done a kernel.img and a resource.img will be generated. You can simply copy them to replace the existing files in your eflasher SD card. We assume your SD card's FRIENDLYARM partition is mounted at the FRIENDLYARM directory and you can run the following commands to update system:

for Lubuntu

cp kernel.img resource.img /media/FRIENDLYARM/lubuntu/

for FriendlyCore

cp kernel.img resource.img /media/FRIENDLYARM/friendlycore-arm64/

for FriendlyDesktop

cp kernel.img resource.img /media/FRIENDLYARM/friendlydesktop-arm64/

Or you can use a USB Type-C cable and the Linux_Upgrade_Tool utility to update system.

ShellAlbert commented 5 years ago
