ShenaniganDApp / shenanigan-monorepo

17 stars 4 forks source link

Migrate React Native App to Expo SDK 43.0.0 #398

Open youngkidwarrior opened 2 years ago

youngkidwarrior commented 2 years ago

User Story

As a ...

Developer for Shenanigan

I want...

To utilize the added benefits that Expo provides:

So that ...

I can more quickly develop features for the app and share them with the SHE Squad

Comments and Outliers

Expo in monorepo:

We will have to rely on rn-nodeify to ensure the app is compatible with WalletConnect and other web3 libraries.

Acceptance Criteria


Given I have just freshly cloned the repository and run the package installer:

From the shenanigan-monorepo root When I run the yarn app start command Then Expo should start and a QRCode with the app should be visible in the command line Then the app should be usable on both Android and iOs And it should be fully compatible with web3 libraries, like WalletConnect