ShenaniganDApp / shenanigan-monorepo

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Challenge Facet: Upgrade createChallenge function for Ceramic #401

Open youngkidwarrior opened 2 years ago

youngkidwarrior commented 2 years ago

User Story

As a ...

iOn Athlete

I want ...

to create a Challenge that will be saved immutably on the blockchain, with metadata stored on Ceramic

So that ...

I add my challenge to the Shenanigan app and ensure that the data is stored safely

Comments and Outliers

Please start this in a new file. This is the first of many issues reworking the smart contract functionality to better suite our decentralized needs. As of now, we use a Counter to store the challengeId of the current challenge. Instead, we can use Ceramic data hashes as ids

Storing Hashes as ids for ERC1155:

Acceptance Criteria
