ShengyuHu / EE629

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LAB 9 #10

Open Husyur opened 4 years ago

Husyur commented 4 years ago

Learn about NETCONF and YANG. Here are some labs: Lab A: YANG (Yet Another Next Generation) Install and run pyang on a Raspberry Pi. Install PlantUML on a laptop or Raspberry Pi. Run PlantUML to create a sequence diagram in PNG. Install and run GIMP and Pinta to display a PNG file via VNC Viewer. Lab B: Qiskit Learn quantum computation using Qiskit: textbook. Create an IBM Quantum Experience account. IBM Quantum Lab Qiskit Tutorials include a core reference set of notebooks outlining the features of Qiskit. Alternatively on macOS, install Qiskit and copy and save API token from the account, and run examples. Or open Git Bash on Windows, install Qiskit, and copy and save API token from the account, and run examples.