ShenweiXie / PaRK-Detect

PaRK-Detect: Towards Efficient Multi-Task Satellite Imagery Road Extraction via Patch-Wise Keypoints Detection
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Questions about "" #4

Open WuJunxu opened 6 months ago

WuJunxu commented 6 months ago

Excellent work! I have a question about what the '' script really does.

In '', the script appears to perform a preprocessing step on mask images represented as skeletons (sk) and resulting scribbles (scr). Upon closer inspection, it seems that the skeleton image remains unchanged, except for alterations to the subground and foreground values.

I am also confused about the inverse skeleton (i_sk). Why are Harris corners removed in this image, and what is the purpose of using this image to erase values in the skeleton image?

original mask sk(skeleton) scr(sribble) i_sk(inverse skeleton)
mask sk scr