Currently, when the player is paused (or not yet started), the shuffle is off and we select a playlist, it automatically sets the current track as the first one. When we turn shuffle on it suffles the playlist but not the current. So there is no way to "start as shuffled", we always start at the first track.
A better behavior would be that if we turn shuffle on for a playlist that hasn't yet started, the current track is selected randomly (basically select the first in shuffled order after shuffling the order).
To keep in mind:
if the playlist is currently playing, keep current behavior
if the playlist was started but got paused, maybe keep current behavior?
Currently, when the player is paused (or not yet started), the shuffle is off and we select a playlist, it automatically sets the current track as the first one. When we turn shuffle on it suffles the playlist but not the current. So there is no way to "start as shuffled", we always start at the first track.
A better behavior would be that if we turn shuffle on for a playlist that hasn't yet started, the current track is selected randomly (basically select the first in shuffled order after shuffling the order).
To keep in mind: