Shicheng-Guo / rbiotools

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tabix version: 1.12 and Version: 0.2.5 (r1005) #11

Open Shicheng-Guo opened 3 years ago

Shicheng-Guo commented 3 years ago

Big issue with conda to install tabix. conda install tabix will give you r0.2.5 while source code will give you r1.12

(base) [sguo2@login02 htslib-1.12]$ ./tabix

Version: 1.12
Usage:   tabix [OPTIONS] [FILE] [REGION [...]]

Indexing Options:
   -0, --zero-based           coordinates are zero-based
   -b, --begin INT            column number for region start [4]
   -c, --comment CHAR         skip comment lines starting with CHAR [null]
   -C, --csi                  generate CSI index for VCF (default is TBI)
   -e, --end INT              column number for region end (if no end, set INT to -b) [5]
   -f, --force                overwrite existing index without asking
   -m, --min-shift INT        set minimal interval size for CSI indices to 2^INT [14]
   -p, --preset STR           gff, bed, sam, vcf
   -s, --sequence INT         column number for sequence names (suppressed by -p) [1]
   -S, --skip-lines INT       skip first INT lines [0]

Querying and other options:
   -h, --print-header         print also the header lines
   -H, --only-header          print only the header lines
   -l, --list-chroms          list chromosome names
   -r, --reheader FILE        replace the header with the content of FILE
   -R, --regions FILE         restrict to regions listed in the file
   -T, --targets FILE         similar to -R but streams rather than index-jumps
   -D                         do not download the index file
       --cache INT            set cache size to INT megabytes (0 disables) [10]
       --separate-regions     separate the output by corresponding regions
       --verbosity INT        set verbosity [3]

(base) [sguo2@login02 htslib-1.12]$ tabix

Program: tabix (TAB-delimited file InderXer)
Version: 0.2.5 (r1005)

Usage:   tabix <> [region1 [region2 [...]]]

Options: -p STR     preset: gff, bed, sam, vcf, psltbl [gff]
         -s INT     sequence name column [1]
         -b INT     start column [4]
         -e INT     end column; can be identical to '-b' [5]
         -S INT     skip first INT lines [0]
         -c CHAR    symbol for comment/meta lines [#]
         -r FILE    replace the header with the content of FILE [null]
         -B         region1 is a BED file (entire file will be read)
         -0         zero-based coordinate
         -h         print also the header lines
         -H         print only the header lines
         -l         list chromosome names
         -f         force to overwrite the index