Shicheng-Guo / rbiotools

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log2Foldchange and standard error value (lfcSE) in DeSeq2 #45

Open Shicheng-Guo opened 2 years ago

Shicheng-Guo commented 2 years ago

How to to understand the standard error value (lfcSE) returned by DeSeq2. Is that value also a log2 of the standard error? So for example, a gene with a log2fc of -2.3 and a lfcSE of 0.12, the actual fold change will be 0.2, but what will the equivalent standard error be?

 > 2^-2.3
 [1] 0.2030631
!> 2^(-2.3 + c(-1,1) * 0.12)
 [1] 0.1868562 0.2206757