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Top 31 Tips to Ensure a Data Science Team Succeeds #55

Open Shicheng-Guo opened 2 years ago

Shicheng-Guo commented 2 years ago

  1. Get Executive Ownership
  2. Be bold, tell your manager they are wrong…with data
  3. Gain the trust of your peers
  4. Successfully implement a simple project first
  5. Communicate the value of your project
  6. Standardize your data science processes
  7. Don’t Box In your Data Science Teams
  8. Plan, Plan, Plan..but don’t plan too much
  9. Play well with other departments
  10. Learn from as many SMEs as possible
  11. Remove company bias
  12. Challenge Status Quo! Be a Rebel
  13. Use data to drive initiatives
  14. Build a prototype first for early buy in
  15. Design for robustness and maintainability
  16. Work to automate yourself out of boring work
  17. Get a Data Science Guide
  18. Write your own data science guide
  19. Learn to creatively gather and classify data before you start
  20. Build your systems to properly gather data first
  21. Collect as much clean data as possible
  22. Be a great story teller(Hans Rosling was and really still is one of the Best!)
  23. Communicate the internal and external values of data science to management
  24. Learn management’s processes
  25. Understand executives strategies and their whys
  26. Be able to explain to your managers and leadership your failures
  27. Seek outside intervention when necessary
  28. Read just enough outside news to be inspired
  29. Question every project you do
  30. Be Positive!
  31. Make a decision, give an actual opinion