Open mexicantexan opened 9 months ago
Have also tried the bytes method which results in the same erroneous output:
new_uuid = uuid.UUID('urn:uuid:a9c072b1-c796-4a0c-8b81-25e4f2259c01').bytes
print(new_uuid.__repr__()) # b'\xa9\xc0r\xb1\xc7\x96J\x0c\x8b\x81%\xe4\xf2%\x9c\x01'
encoder = WatermarkEncoder()
bgr_encoded = encoder.encode(large_image, 'dwtDctSvd')
cv2.imwrite('test.png', bgr_encoded)
print(bgr_encoded.min(), bgr_encoded.max()) # results in: 251 255
decoder = WatermarkDecoder('uuid')
watermark = decoder.decode(bgr_encoded, 'dwtDctSvd')
print(watermark) # results in: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
Have also tried the dwtDct
as well
Is there a minimum "complexity"/"chaos" (differences in pixel values) that needs to take place in the image? If that is the case, maybe there is a way to calculate this "complexity"/"chaos"?
Could add a helper function like:
def can_fit_watermark(watermark_str, image_cv2, num_coefficients=None, threshold=0.1) -> bool:
Estimates if an image can hold a given watermark.
:param watermark_str: The watermark to embed, as a string.
:param image_cv2: The image into which the watermark is to be embedded, as a cv2.Mat object.
:param num_coefficients: Optional. The number of DWT-DCT coefficients to consider for watermarking.
If None, uses all coefficients.
:param threshold: The threshold for pass/fail criteria based on the modifications' visibility.
Represents the maximum average change allowed per coefficient.
:return: Boolean indicating whether the image can hold the watermark.
watermark_bits = ''.join(format(ord(char), '08b') for char in watermark_str)
watermark_size = len(watermark_bits)
# Convert image to grayscale for simplicity
yuv = cv2.cvtColor(image_cv2, cv2.COLOR_BGR2YUV)
gray_u_image = yuv[:,:,1]
cA, (cH, cV, cD) = pywt.dwt2(gray_u_image, 'haar')
dct_coefficients = np.fft.fft2(cA).flatten()
num_coefficients = num_coefficients if num_coefficients else dct_coefficients.size
modifiable_coefficients = min(num_coefficients, dct_coefficients.size)
estimated_capacity = modifiable_coefficients * threshold
# Check if the watermark fits within the estimated capacity
return watermark_size <= estimated_capacity
Using the following code block to create a sample image, encode it with a uuid, and then decode it results in erroneous restructuring of uuid that was encoded.
Have also tried