As a registered seller I can log-in and log-out so that I can securely access and leave my account.
Acceptance Criteria:
As a seller, I have a log-in button easily accessible when not logged in which takes me to a log-in form.
As a seller, I will submit my email address and password to securely log-in to my account via the log-in form.
As a logged-in seller, I can see my logged in status from each page on the site.
As a logged-in seller, I have access to a log-out button from each page on the site.
As a logged-in seller, when I log out, I am presented with a confirmation message and a log-in button returns to the webpages.
Dev Tasks:
[x] Provide log-in button which takes the seller to a log-in form, which upon completion, provides a logged-in confirmation message and returns seller to home page.
[x] Provide a notification if the password is incorrect.
[x] Provide a visible 'Logged-in' status throughout site for logged-in sellers.
[x] Provide a log-out button and subsequent logged-out confirmation message.
As a registered seller I can log-in and log-out so that I can securely access and leave my account.
Acceptance Criteria:
Dev Tasks: