As a registered seller, I can reset my password to keep my account secure.
Acceptance Criteria:
As a registered seller, when at the log-in screen I have an option to select 'Forgot Password' to reset my password. This will present me with a form to enter my email address.
As a registered seller, I will receive an email with a link to a password reset page.
As a registered seller, upon clicking the password reset link, I will be taken to the password reset page and upon submitting my new password, I will receive confirmation that the reset has been successful.
Dev Tasks:
[x] Create 'Forgot Password' option on log-in page.
[ ] Create form to submit email address along with backend functionality to send seller password reset email.
[x] Create form for seller to reset password and provide confirmation message once new password submitted.
As a registered seller, I can reset my password to keep my account secure.
Acceptance Criteria:
Dev Tasks: