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🎓 Learn-Everything #19

Open Neobii opened 3 years ago

Neobii commented 3 years ago

[Learn-Everything{zone: "Learn-Everything"}]


~[] {isMod: true}
~[] {isAdmin: true}
~[] :ice_cube: 
~[] :palm_tree: 
~[] lcDub


bwam: (a)boi
_sh_: (a)min
vibe: wDub
layer: 2.34

points of contact

73{{{!💬}}} <-- ~[]


:arrow_up: :arrow_up: :arrow_up: :arrow_up: :arrow_up: :arrow_up: :arrow_up: :black_circle: I wanna be the very best- lyrics (Like no one ever was- Pokemon) .

currencies: 👂 👀 〠 ☺ things: 👖

Neobii commented 3 years ago

:palm_tree: : We suggest "jettising"... +:palm_tree: We suggest jettising acktueli and whatever acktionable will be over to learn everything min: yes I like that idea, it's the more scholastic things boi3: we'll afraid that the'll ruin the practicality of the language by enforcing things like ~[matching closure] :palm_tree: ... min: yeah I mean I should submit it to a standards commitie or something like that and try to get a standard started :plam_tree: oh my, what kind of life style do you need to have to get something like that across the finish line min: mine lol :ice_cube: yoyoyo I'm an ice cube min: oh my this seems like an inbound group... I'm going to transfer this somewhere .....

Neobii commented 3 years ago

:palm_tree: we were afraid you would put it into an issue, any chance you'll make it private? .. wDub: that will do, for now wDub: you don't need to know who I am, just know you are doing a swell job

Neobii commented 3 years ago

73: this part involves kids and we gotta be realllly reallylylylylyly careful with this one, (a)min doesn't have any problem giving all their stuff away for free, but as we've seen that creates [problems]++ min: k, I don't sense much pressure here right now, just some good friends :) 73: just everyone was about documenting every edge case of human interaction but the things work better with a slightly bit of restricted communication tools, not that it affects either of ya'll 73: just #3 main: is that a copyright 1999? 73: plead the 5th main: do you have a stake in this room? 73:

73: but I'm going to withhold my 💬 for now cause I'm busy af, so ya'll with just have to deal (a)boi: :heavy_check_mark: min: dang, seems like the odds are against ya'll for a sec... min: I'll come back though :)

Neobii commented 3 years ago

min: hmm that felt like 1👂 however, it seems like I would a little bit more time to get to .4👂 min: ah yes, I'm not giving out 〠 right now.. that might be the transactional feel difference ratio thing

Neobii commented 3 years ago


product ⚔ brand

wDub: just something to consider ti83+: yeah where's the fights ~[I'm getting randy] min: def not in learn-everything, or at least not sh style, or maybe so, just a bit more "layer 3" etiquette should go on there, shielkwamm is for layer 7

Neobii commented 3 years ago

min: I guess I should put the people that pinged in, except for my 💬

Neobii commented 3 years ago

.... (a)boi: now they don't have a bwam 73: no vibe for me:, .. min: lol min: k let me fix it up,.. fer ya

Neobii commented 3 years ago

min: # (a)boi3: let me speak.. (a)boi3: ah lost my train of thought hold on (a)boi3: the handles controlling the bwam and vibe are not the handles in the inbound group, just the existing handles can be placed like that for the good! min: +:heavy_check_mark: (a)boi: hear ya loud and clear, buddy, when are you going to get to making some copies of this game, for everyone to play? ...min: ??? is that a FAQ? min: ah yeah, the fork :potato:

Neobii commented 3 years ago

(a)boi3: +||}} same ol' flavor, just the fork is some type of quest min: whew, ya keep on coming with them grand slams of game organization (a)boi3: with my theory on game and my dedication to work process, I'm a pretty penny don't you think min: yeah def haha (a)boi3: let's not inflate each other's egos... you're sh might be too sh for my taste... I think, so I might have a stake in this here LE thing too.

=== The Learn Everything Police ===