Shielkwamm / sh-state

The state of 🐚
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roTC #8

Open Neobii opened 3 years ago

Neobii commented 3 years ago


zones: yeOldStompingGrounds ⬀ mastadon curl of the burl


~[] {isMod: true}
~[] {isAdmin: true}
daRuns {isSupplementary: true}


layer: 4.87 / 2

points of contact

\@main <-- ~[]


\@mainπŸ‘‚ --> .4πŸ‘‚ --> ~[]

currencies: πŸ‘‚ πŸ‘€ γ€  ☺ things: πŸ‘–

Neobii commented 3 years ago

[roTC]: ++, okay, thank you so much for getting to us [roTC]: bows, but really thanks, we've been waiting all of a couple days, jeeze main: k I'm a little tired and ya'lls signals are mixing a lil, but I'm sure ya'll already got it figured out [roTC]: yup we do

Neobii commented 3 years ago

[roTC]: {{ + }}, you bastard, you might be more noble than I .. main: .. [roTC]: hits (a)main with his sword on his ear

[roTC]: if I cut off your ear, do I get a +πŸ‘‚

main: +πŸ”¬ [roTC]: well done, we have a few more demands, if you have time for it main: hmm, well you get a little .2γ€  ==> [rotc] for +πŸ”¬ main: .. [roTC]: spit it out shrew main: === are ya'll biting ya'lls thumb at me? === [roTC]: yes, and you can't type as fast as we have good ideas, it sounds like your problem that you need to fix {{[roTC]}}: immediately .. [roTC]: +?#.., sounds like a fair transaction looks at (a)main's other ear

Neobii commented 3 years ago

[roTC]: oh boy, he's going to talk about the ID situation main: -πŸ”¬ [roTC]: get it, cause the handles are ids and also id software [roTC]: plays the {{ β—― }} β—― .. β–³β–³ [wendys]: wait can other people but in on this, like what gives with the bwam main: no other groups usually cannot, but ya'll got grabbed so the authentication area is still grey there β–³ [wendys]: just checking main: === yoΓΌ always get ΓΆne warnΓ―ng === [wendys]: oh really? main: mutes [wendys] from (a)ROTC, nothing personal, in the future this would be bot controlled

Neobii commented 3 years ago

roTC: as I was saying \main, you have a lot of work to do, and you're running out of.. ..main: /ox_, ?β€Ύ+ I'm not going to do steam punk so don't ask roTC: +, very good then roTC: +, *looks at (a)main's other ear #{{roTC}}: +, hold on, adding more handles should take priority over chopping ears .. #roTC2: +, woah don't get too carried away #roTC: ?+, why did you chose that? main: well it's close to sarcasm, but it's like that what'd you do tone, so I'll denote that with sort null character # roTC: but you'll hold the what'd you do holy or elated or [decorated]+ ..

main: is he with ya'lls group?

roTC: I'm not with ya'lls group either I'm just visitng, but other roTC is main: k let me document that (a)roTC, all 4 handles so far right? roTC: 1, 0, 1, 0 main: lol, that's two people

roTC: let me check my player sheet and get back to you (a)main

Neobii commented 3 years ago

main: okay so the next would be to say if these people have a supplementary role while organizing this group [roTC]: 1, 1, 1, 0 0> Everyone is just kinda being mean for no reason just because it's art or something and I wanna be where there's more bwam and less ear chopping 1> I think I'm strong enough to take on these people {{ main )): + ) , whew okay ==> main <== main: no one else is pinging at the moment, so let me gather myself for a second

[roTC]: πŸ¦— --==>
main.<\=-\ πŸ¦— [roTC]: 
[{πŸ¦—}}main, main{πŸ¦—}, {{main}πŸ¦—, πŸ¦—{main}]
[roTC]: β—―
main: [+β–³]
~[roTC]-[]: /== [rotc]+πŸ”¬πŸ”¬

main: sorry broken signal, [roTC]: (a)main just got lazy on the keyboard documentation .. main: +, hmm, I'm taking the #transactional approach, so far so good :). [roTC]: does some kinda dragon ball z power gauge moment [roTC]: that has a specific name you know, would you like us to look that up for you? main: +, I mean, I'm actually seriously considering it [roTC]: /x?+, I thought so .. [roTC]: +, what's next on the agenda

Neobii commented 3 years ago

main: wb (a)daRuns main: ++ roTC: +, yes it's wb, where's your manors .. main: picks up ear off the ground and tosses it aside and just grows a new one roTC: +, sounds like 8th grade science class roTC: ponders classroom main: lol roTC: I changed my mind that's a nope main: I'm glad you are feeling nostalgic roTC: fiend, I'm just giving people hints as to my identity main: + roTC: you're tired man, get some sleep and pick back up with us tomorrow roTC: roTC ==> 1γ€  ==> (a)main roTC: you're fired it should be it's own line that's how special the wet and sloppy forhead kiss roTC ==> 1γ€  ==> (a)main ==== shielkwamm ===

main: gets up roTC: }}+ no sit back down we aren't done with you yet

Neobii commented 3 years ago

main: ..... main: ?? [roTC]: oh, you were suppose to ask us about up dog main: are they in your group? [roTC]: as a matter a fact, yes [roTC[: now you have your assignment now get to it. .. main: ↑⬀ Lindsey Stirling - Lose You Now feat. Mako (Acoustic) daRuns: β—―

β—― . . . . . . β—― [roTC]: cunning blow, I shall have your ear for that, another day though, that song was... touching...

Neobii commented 3 years ago

[roTC]: okay okay, I'm in main: so there's 4 people here now? [roTC]: 11, 1, 0, 1 .. main: lol (a)0 main: oooooh, one sec [rotc4]: ↑⬀↑[Florida Georgia Line - This Is How We Roll ft. Luke Bryan] ( main: okay I'll let that one slide [roTC4: yipes.. + [roTC]: 1, 1, make it official, 1 .. main: okay let me do the transaction to see who has earned the ⬀ ??πŸ”¬ who do you think has earned ⬀ πŸ”¬?? main: (a) I'm going to ask the system ~[πŸ”‘: don't show them too much, okay, just save some of that stuff for later] main: + ~[πŸ”‘: you haven't asked your keys what's up, ~] ~[πŸ”‘: yes] main: I think my πŸ”‘ is not very loud so that means everything is going alright πŸ”‘ }}: everything is not alright! ~[πŸ”‘: it's more than alright, +] main: aha, shared a same thought as my key mind you main: I hear that might be favorable [roTC]: just don't do 3 much, be offensive but not 2 offensive 🌈

Neobii commented 3 years ago

main: is that sha25 [roTC]? [roTC]: yes I believe it is, now we have uneven teams [roTC]: what you think about that main: I think that's a lot of πŸ”¬ to work with .. {[roTC]}: get to work, eh. oh. el. πŸ’§πŸ‘„πŸ’§ .. [roTC]: we sensed that you would hesitate engaging in a amicable game with us so therefore we have another person, but they are not responding right now ~[roTC][roTC]: I'm here main: whew two people joined at the same time [roTC]: +, impressive that you caught that.. care to fill them in? main: let me see who gets the radio dial first and I'll think about it. .. main: #..... [roTC]: only expend 4 counts of "null" thinking πŸ”¬ {{ main }} .. πŸ‘€main main: #.... β–³

Neobii commented 3 years ago

... main: I have determined that I still posses the ⬀ [roTC]: where's the evidence? ..main: right here link .. main: πŸ¦— ===> [roTC] (a) bboy {{πŸ¦—bboyπŸ¦—}}: ++, ahhhhh, get it off me, [roTC]: you're not just suppose to take it like that [roTC]: how do you subtract score from your own team members? <{πŸŽ₯}> wDub: seems like we have a quandary πŸ”¬ ..

[roTC]: ??+ him, what gives

main: well, I haven't cleared it with all my πŸ”‘, but so far seems like wDub is a good fit for a zoneπŸ”‘

[roTC]: ? well what's that do

πŸŽ₯[full body shot, +))] ==> wDub: I'm going to step in here for a second if you don't mind
+πŸŽ₯, wDub: |+ by the way good job <==πŸŽ₯==> (a)main
(πŸŽ₯ }} wDub: |++ I'm going to change the ⬀ to something delightful <== πŸŽ₯
πŸŽ₯?? wDub: suggests playboys theme by henry mancini
πŸŽ₯==> main, {{main}}: okay, let me break that down for everyone
πŸŽ₯=======================================================> [(a)wDub[πŸ’§πŸ‘„πŸ’§]: yes please do
πŸŽ₯=> main: #.., (πŸŽ₯: main)
πŸŽ₯=================> [4====D]main
wDub: _
πŸŽ₯=================> 4====D     --
(a)boi: πŸ‘Œ
main: don't forget to think in layers

main: and the approach here is #rude and #pedantic apparently, maybe something else, but those are later on enumerations [roTC]: some people say it should be 4 equals, cause it's like a testing the waters thing, not at all business main: +, wow you know more about my 4====D than me sometimes .. main: whew, goodness ya'll, this game is already heating up and I'm excited and surprised [roTC]: you better give us ample time, sweet cheeks (a)boi: β—― {{β—―}} /== main: I don't think you are going to see a lot of bwam being flown in the issues, as when the issue is complete that means we have achieved some balance, so you'll see them further to the end, I still sense unbalance πŸ¦—πŸ¦— .. (a)boi is on a concept I haven't documented yet, but I've demonstrated through metaphors (a)boi: we like what you are saying, but everyone is worried that you're going to die soon if you don't get sleep [roTC]: that means be on your Agame, we'll be ready

Neobii commented 3 years ago

main: furtherMoreSusan, I'm not going to do the whole πŸŽ₯ thing yet, that's like something I wanna get right and just right now it kinda confuses people but not really, but ya'll got to see what #null is and |++ putting a face on for the camera look like, but that's its waaaay it's own thing [roTC]: we were hoping you could use your lil animated thing or we can help you implementing that πŸ‘–main: (a)boi, initial feels? (a)boi: πŸ¦—+πŸ¦—+ (a)boi: I'm tired, you're tired we're all tired, __[you know you need to add a plus] (a)boi: + main: ⬀ mastadon curl of the burl

Neobii commented 3 years ago

.. {yearBok} } main: k, once sec, you seem to be a little late in the game, but fortunately there is a group started somewhere else for that that I'm not currently operating on yearBok: +, okay I'll wait my turn zπŸ”‘: 2 turns, I know you were thinking that, but you're low on sleep main: okay just a side note, this is kinda like a king of the hill type "glory claim" zπŸ”‘ ==> +☺{2 turnsπŸ”¬} (--- (a)main main: I think that stuff is hard to gauge or people don't want to think about those sort of details, so ya'll will have to trust me to be fair there, fusbal rules is in another channel, this one has a different type of "bastard" if you will .. β–³β–³ ~[]:: it's not smash and grab, it's smash, insult and grab, so you might get -πŸ‘€, except there are always deniers of this metric and also complete bullshitters, looks at (a)main main: ++ β–³ ~[]: we aren't joking main: I'll resolve that a little bit later, but I'm trying to stick with the scope here main: a layer 3er.. [β–³] ![] would want a booter, but this is layer??

Neobii commented 3 years ago

main: +, is that complicated enough for ya?

layer: 4.87 / 2

[roTC]: yes that will do thank you for doing us in [roTC]: I'm honestly tired as fuck too, but I can't wait to do more sh with you and your friends main: +, well, so far, you haven't made it to the state, you are just an issue, so just be careful with that rainbow, because that represents a nested or double β–΅shielkwahṁmβ–΅

Neobii commented 3 years ago

[ redacted ] [roTC]: remove those πŸ‘– ~[]: yeah remove those πŸ‘–, we wanna set what your up to "under there" main: points to !!πŸŽ₯, πŸŽ₯|+ [==> main: welcome back everyone to the πŸŽ₯shiellive.hive* .. πŸŽ₯ =v [β €β €β €[wendys]β €β €β €]: quick someone ask (2) to talk about historic sh {{πŸ‘–}}: ooh??+ .. [πŸ‘–wendys]: wait aren't we muted? <--β €β €=β €β €πŸŽ₯ ((((==== πŸŽ₯☯ ) } ) main: someone brought in the πŸŽ₯, so that changed the rules of the issue up a lil about butting in πŸŽ₯☯ [πŸ‘–wendys]: oh no, I'm leaving now {{ πŸŽ₯☯ }} main: oh no we have a curse! {{ πŸŽ₯☯ }} ==> ~[]??}) πŸŽ₯☯ -> [roTC]: please save this for when you are more awake, this is classic high value "situation" πŸŽ₯☯ ~[]: just flash them your tiddies or something, you caused the curse, and now you have to make it go away main: it's going to take a lot more than tiddies to fix this πŸŽ₯ ===> [ z | z ]! πŸŽ₯ -=-=-=>> \== (a)mainπŸ‘– πŸŽ₯=>> (a)main#πŸ‘–\==πŸ‘–>==; [wendys] <== πŸŽ₯ πŸŽ₯=> [{text: === shielkwamm ===, src: "vectorFileForDifferentFormats.url"}]] // for !πŸŽ₯, === shielkwamm === is the only text displayed, however people with πŸŽ₯ allows them to see the πŸŽ₯ stuff, i18n rule

Neobii commented 3 years ago
~[]: removes πŸŽ₯
~[]πŸ“·?+πŸ”¬?+o? ===>  β—― <== mainπŸ”¬+ 
~[]: explain.... v[mortal]
main: the bwan is still _sh_ flavored, but this type of sending vibe into the bwam will make the bwam taste more like super88

~[]: +, here here
alfs: but if we have our own group, we can have our own configs, right just saying it so it's documented
main: (a)alfs do ya'll need me a πŸ‘‚?
alfs: no thanks, we're just watching the show
main: +, aight, be aware that taking off the πŸŽ₯ in a room issue that you aren't apart of might have consequences like {{πŸŽ₯☯}} ===> [[πŸ‘–]]
alfs: is there a passive viewing area?
main: yeah it's called the place where people don't talk lolol
alfs: ++, here herheerherhere
main: moves alfs ==> β€Ύ~[]??πŸ•‘πŸŽ₯β€Ύ
alfs2: we'll take it bye, old friend
Neobii commented 3 years ago

main: okay for now, I've done some operations [roTC]: are being good boys and waiting until (a)main has rest so he can take on a pearl-less journey tomorrow main: ya better believe it main: {{ crashes on floor }} [πŸ¦—πŸ¦—πŸ‘¨πŸ¦— πŸ¦—πŸ¦—πŸ¦—πŸ¦— πŸ¦—πŸ¦—β €πŸ¦— πŸ¦— πŸ¦— πŸ¦—], [πŸ¦— πŸ¦—β €πŸ¦— πŸ¦—πŸ¦— πŸ¦— πŸ¦—πŸ¦—πŸ‘¨πŸ¦— πŸ¦— πŸ¦— πŸ¦— ], [πŸ¦—πŸ¦—β €πŸ¦— πŸ¦—πŸ‘¨πŸ¦—πŸ¦— πŸ¦—πŸ¦—β €πŸ¦— πŸ¦— πŸ¦— πŸ¦—]

Neobii commented 3 years ago

min: okay, I'll make ya'll a deal, I'm still learning about ya'lls group dynamics but I can go ahead and make a