Shift3 / boilerplate-client-react

The Bitwise standard starting point for new React web projects.
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Acceptance Test | QA Sprint #10 | 5/22-6/2 | Alicia (Windows/Android/ Android Tablet: Chrome/Firefox/Edge) #759

Open aliciajbrookshire opened 1 year ago

aliciajbrookshire commented 1 year ago

Acceptance Test

This is a comprehensive acceptance test for this project. It should include a testing procedure for all features of the application.


The React Boilerplate is a foundational web app for the development of client projects.


To test the current build of the React Boilerplate, go to and log in with the account(s) that you created in the past or ask your QA Lead for access.


If anyone needs credentials, please have them make a request in the proj-boilerplates Slack channel.

Supported Devices

Web Mobile Tablet

Accessibility Requirements

WCAG 2.0 Level A and AA WAI - ARIA 1.1

Acceptance Criteria

General Requirements

Acceptance Test

This is a comprehensive acceptance test for this project. It should include testing procedure for all features of the application.


The React Boilerplate is a foundational web app for the development of client projects.


To test the current build of the React Boilerplate, go to and log in with the account(s) that you created in the past or ask your QA Lead for access.


If anyone needs credentials, please have them make a request in the proj-boilerplates Slack channel.

Supported Devices

Accessibility Requirements

Acceptance Criteria

General Requirements

Initial Page Load

Register Account / Sign Up

Activate Account

An Admin can invite a new user from the User Administration page which will kick off the Acount Activation workflow:



Navigation Menu (User Logged Out)

Navigation Menu (User Logged In)

The menu will allow users to navigate to a homepage, directory, administration page, notifications, user settings, and logout (depending on their role and permissions).

Home Page

The home page in this app is currently an empty template page which will show slightly different content for each role.

Directory Page

The directory page is a list of farms which features tranditional CRUD actions (create, read, updated, delete). Any user permission level should be able to view this screen.

Create and Edit Farms

The Create and Edit pages for farms are functionally identical entry forms which allow creating new farms or modifying existing farm entries.

Administration Page (User Management)

The User List page is an administration page which allows for CRUD actions (Create, Read, Update, Delete) on user accounts.

Create and Edit Users

The Create and Edit pages for users are functionally identical entry forms which allow creating new users or modifying existing user entries.

Delete User


The Navigation Menu shows a bell icon which allows the user to view their in-app notifications. This will have a red dot over it when there are unread notifications. Additionally, an email is sent to the user when they receive a notification.

Account Settings

Account Settings can be accessed by clicking on the User's profile icon (or placeholder icon) in the Navigation Menu. The Account Settings page allows a user to configure their user account, change password, and modify personalized settings.

Forgot Password Workflow

This workflow allows a user to change their password if it was forgotten. The user will receive an email with a special link allowing them to enter a new password.

User Session Expired / User Deleted

The User should receive a forbidden or unauthorized error code if their account is disabled or session expires while logged in.

If the application loses Internet access, it will show a toast message to inform the user.