ShifuML / shifu

An end-to-end machine learning and data mining framework on Hadoop
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Bug: NN can run train when ActivationFunc and NumHiddenNodes list sizes do not match #756

Open junshiguo opened 3 years ago

junshiguo commented 3 years ago

When ActivationFunc and NumHiddenNodes list sizes do not match in NN train params, the train process could still be run normally.

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Need to check why NN train can still work.

The issue is identified in Grid search feature. Below grid search configuration will generate invalid parameter combinations. We may need to do some specified validation check to filter out invalid parameter combinations.

"ActivationFunc" :  [ ["tanh"], [ "Sigmoid", "Sigmoid" ] ],
"NumHiddenNodes" : [ [50], [45, 45 ] ],