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RSSI showing 0%, with cleanflight and x4rsb #248

Closed jeffwhu closed 7 years ago

jeffwhu commented 8 years ago

I am having much trouble setting up RSSI on 1.6 OSD, set "show RSSI" and "use fc RSSI" and all that I'm getting is "0%" on the osd, also the frsky telemetry is working as I can get RSSI to display on taranis x9d plus, using uart2 on cleanflight set to MSP, shows battery voltage , horizon bar, timer, mode ok, callsign only flashes up briefly and RSSI stays on 0%. Has me completely stuck. Anybody know what I must do to get RSSI to display properly? Regards Jeff

eirism commented 8 years ago

How are the FC, X4R and the OSD connected. See this as to how to get RSSI in cleanflight. And here is a walkthrough of how to set up everything.

jflyper commented 8 years ago

Can you confirm the correct channel value in the CleanFlight Configurator? See the follow-ups to your question in the's thread for details.

jeffwhu commented 8 years ago

Thanks for your input. FC is sp f3 acro board configured to output msp from uart2, tx to rx and vice versa from uart2 to OSD which is powered from 5v distribution board ( reason for power is I thought 500mah for OSD would be too much for FC). X4r sb connected to uart3 set as serial sbus on CFC. Have open tx 2.1.7 on taranis x9d plus, getting RSSI on taranis but not on OSD, so, all points to setting in CFC, RSSI I have put on ch7 in CFC receiver tab, and set correct scale and weight set on input and mixer. Tried telemetry in version on and off(not sure which is default on sp f3 -) "erism", I have followed both the info on the two links you gave me previously. I am still baffled as to why the OSD is flashing 0% OR when applying inversion CFC solid on 50%, but still 0% on OSD. Regards Jeff

eirism commented 8 years ago

What are the values of ch7 in CFC receiver tab, are they correct (I get about 1800 when close to the transmitter)?

jeffwhu commented 8 years ago

I've just set rssi_ppm_nvert=on and get 100% on CFC I get rssi on set up tab 100% and not changing. Not sure what you mean by the values of ch7?

eirism commented 8 years ago

If you go to the reciever tab in CFC, you can see the received value. On your Taranis, what is the value of the RSSI channel on the Channel Monitor (this)

jeffwhu commented 8 years ago

Ch7 on halfway on taranis, can't see a value on CFC

eirism commented 8 years ago

This is how it should look in the receiver tab in CFC. You RSSI channel on the Taranis should look something like this (CH7)

jeffwhu commented 8 years ago

image This is what I'm getting

eirism commented 8 years ago

Then I believe you haven't set up a RSSI channel correctly. Do you have a RSSI input, and then a RSSI mixer? The TX related part from this.

Edit: Assuming the RX where powered on when you took the picture

jeffwhu commented 8 years ago


eirism commented 8 years ago

So the X4R are powered on, and CH7 on the Taranis is still -100? Can you take pictures of the INPUTS and MIXER pages of your model?

jeffwhu commented 8 years ago

image image

eirism commented 8 years ago

Everything seems right there. What about the OUTPUTS page when you are highlighting CH7?

jeffwhu commented 8 years ago

image You mean this page?

eirism commented 8 years ago

Yeah, and then "scroll" down to CH7 with the - button

jeffwhu commented 8 years ago


jeffwhu commented 8 years ago


eirism commented 8 years ago

From what I can see, the RSSI input is good, but there is something wrong between the input and the output. Could you upload your model file?

jeffwhu commented 8 years ago

How would I do that?

jeffwhu commented 8 years ago

Got it from models but can't send via this page

eirism commented 8 years ago

You can create a zip file containing the model file

jeffwhu commented 8 years ago

jeffwhu commented 8 years ago

That OK?

eirism commented 8 years ago

Yes. The model you uploaded haven't got a mixer on CH7 (and isn't sending RSSI)

jeffwhu commented 8 years ago

sent right model

eirism commented 8 years ago

Try this model

jeffwhu commented 8 years ago

oh no, just wiped all models from taranis, and the file you sent does not work

eirism commented 8 years ago

How does it not work? No RSSI? When using the simulator in Compantion TX CH7 behaves correctly.

Edit: Could you sign up for Gitter, and then we can try solving this on a chat there instead of filling this issue with comments?

jeffwhu commented 8 years ago

just managed to wipe all other models from taranis

jeffwhu commented 8 years ago

and still have o% on osd

eirism commented 8 years ago

Then I don't know what's wrong. Good luck figuring it out

jeffwhu commented 8 years ago

I don't know what was in the file you sent me. But it has completely shafted my taranis, is there a way to completely reset taranis?

eirism commented 8 years ago

The file I sent is a zip file containing a modified version of your model file (modified using OpenTx Companion 2.1.7. What did you do with the file? You might be able to use some of this to reset it.

jeffwhu commented 8 years ago its this on.... right?

jeffwhu commented 8 years ago

put 2.1.8 now

eirism commented 8 years ago

The link in this comment seems to be the zip with the original model file you sent. My OpenTX Companion (2.1.7) can read (and simulate) both the original model and my modified one. It might have been some mismatch between versions that broke things for you.

dustin commented 8 years ago

As an aside: There's nearly no value in putting RSSI on your OSD from telemetry. It's a bad idea, IMO.

frsky tx sends a data packet every 9ms for three packets in a row (i.e. 27ms) and then pauses to receive a telemetry packet. So the rx will transmit a telemetry packet roughly every 36ms. Once that telemetry packet makes it to the tx, the tx will then send it in the next outbound packet, which is 18ms after the signal it's measuring.

So your very best case, you're displaying RSSI from 18ms - 45ms old. (When this becomes available for display is subject to protocol timings, so up to another 5ms for s.bus + however frequently the OSD decides to poll, but that's not as important here).


rx rx measured tx (send measurement back to tx) (+9ms) rx receive measurement (+9ms) rx resused (+9ms) rx reused (but measured, +9ms) tx (+9ms) rx delivered (+0)

"but why does this matter?"

There's this weird myth that RSSI is useful in this type of config because the value slowly degrades over distance in some totally linear, predictable fashion because that's how electromagnetic radiation propagation works. But that's not how stuff you're flying works.

Your aircraft is moving around randomly directing the (probably damaged) antennas in different directions fairly randomly. In practice, you'll have sudden packet loss caused by interference, falling into the antenna dead zone, or even power problems.

Consider this case (I have many like this for a variety of radios): (This is a radio speaking frsky d8 protocol, but whose firmware does direct channel injection of RSSI).

I don't have telemetry here, but if I did, what would I have seen? I went suddenly from 100% packet reception to 0%. There was no packet received, so nothing to report. Perhaps receiving packets were dropped. The transmitter on the rx delivering the telemetry back to the tx is a whole different set of problems, what if that 1 out of 36ms packets were dropped? I'd be displaying 100% RSSI and have no idea why my quad just fell over.

In proper long range systems, this type of config is unlikely to even be an option. I've got a 1W tx and a 100mW (tx on the) RX. I've long lost the ability to hear the rx while still having great signal. Of course, in those systems, having the rx inject its RSSI on every packet is easy.

On Tue, May 31, 2016 at 7:53 AM Eirik wrote:

The link in this comment seems to be the zip with the original model file you sent. My OpenTX Companion (2.1.7) can read (and simulate) both the original model and my modified one. It might have been some mismatch between versions that broke things for you.

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jeffwhu commented 8 years ago

Thanks for your time even though this wasn't resolved

jj-uk commented 8 years ago

Was this ever resolved? I have my taranis sending the RSSI back to the FC (naze32), Cleanflight Configurator shows the RSSI value correctly, along with the battery voltage on the Configurator Setup tab ->'Info' pane (right hand side).

The OSD shows the battery voltage from the FC correctly, but simply flashes 0% for RSSI.

Cleanflight v1.13 CF Configurator v1.2.3 OSD v1.6.2 DEV

jflyper commented 8 years ago

Your problem is different.

Did you turn on USE FC RSSI in the MW_OSD_GUI?

jj-uk commented 8 years ago

Yes, Use FC RSSI is enabled in the GUI.

jflyper commented 8 years ago

I just confirmed it working.

Clmeanflight v1.13 (+ iNav 1.2) CF Configurator v1.2.3 (+iNav Configurator 1.0.2) OSD v1.6.2 DEV

Stock Config.h (as of v1.6.2.0)

jflyper commented 8 years ago

It should work. Why not do a fresh start.

(1) Open MW_OSD_GUI and take note of important settings like calibration values. (2) Download a fresh copy of R1.6.2.0. (3) Compile & upload (4) Connect with MW_OSD_GUI, hit SETTINGS-DEFAULT (wait until restart complete) (5) Set RSSI-Display RSSI & Use FC RSSI (6) Hit SETTINGS-WRITE (7) Disconnect MW_OSD_GUI (8) Switch to FC connection and test.

jeffwhu commented 8 years ago

where is R1.6.2.0?

jj-uk commented 8 years ago

Yes, that works, but why does it not work on my custom screen layout? j1.osd.txt

(attached, remove .txt)

jflyper commented 8 years ago

Where did you get the j1.osd from?

jj-uk commented 8 years ago

That't the output of DISK -> "SAVE"

1.6.2 is here: (clone or download -> Download zip)

jflyper commented 8 years ago

Oh, okay :)

dustin commented 8 years ago

I've used this config on several different flight control systems with mwosd and not had an issue. Your radio doesn't do it correctly, so you can't possibly get useful information (as I mentioned earlier), so faking it is a very bad idea, but if you fake it, but it definitely works.

(But seriously, don't fake it. Bad information is worse than no information)

It'd be much more useful to connect the RSSI pad from your radio to the flight controller with an RC filter and using the same config config you're using here, or hooking it up to an ADC on your osd and doing it there.

On Mon, Sep 19, 2016, 07:30 jeffwhu wrote:

Reopened #248

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