ShikyoKira / Project-New-Reign---Nemesis-Main

Animation Behavior Patching Tool
GNU General Public License v3.0
456 stars 181 forks source link

After generate Nemesis, Enemy NPC's doesn't attack #180

Open ghost opened 4 years ago

ghost commented 4 years ago

hi ShikyoKira, i'm really happy to use this Nemesis Mod, it brings something new in Skyrim.. well maybe i just got outdated information.. lol

btw, i just installed Nemesis and also PCEA nemesis, after i put some animation in PCEA and then generate the Nemesis, Enemy NPC's can't attack, they are only staring without attacking, but it doesn't matter to NPC with Bow weapon..

so what's wrong..? and this is my generated animation data txt and the patchlog

PatchLog.txt animationdatasinglefile.txt animationsetdatasinglefile.txt

thank you anyway

ShikyoKira commented 4 years ago

it might have something to do with the warnings u get. Please try it in a minimal load order to see if you can recreate the same issue to ensure that this issue is caused by nemesis not mod conflict

MadEngineer2010 commented 4 years ago

I want to add to this. I have exactly the same issue. Human enemies won't attack with melee weapons, but they use bows and magic. They also block and bash. I have tried it with no mods except Realm of Lorkhan, which I used to be able to test this quickly without having to watch the game's intro scene. I even deleted everything from Mod Organizer 2's overwrite folder before installing and running Nemesis. I also tried uninstalling Realm of Lorkhan and try with other alternate start mods, same result. Of course, I tried running the game before installing Nemesis and it worked fine. I don't think it matters, but I'm also running it with ENBoost and SweetFX and I tried both with and without SKSE. PatchLog.txt animationsetdatasinglefile.txt animationdatasinglefile.txt

MadEngineer2010 commented 4 years ago

More data. I deleted the "1hm_behavior" folder in "Nemesis\Nemesis_Engine\mod\nemesis" and it works now, still without other mods, but deleting the files inside the folder won't work.

ShikyoKira commented 4 years ago

thanks for the in depth testing. This certainly gives me more clue about it. 1 more request. Upload your both versions of 1hm_behavior so i can do a comparison

YanCabral commented 4 years ago

I removed XPMSE plugin and related animations, run the engine with zero animations, and... it worked! Started a new game, but inside Helgen, i step down the carriage in front of everyone, the scene keeps playing, except Lokir is stuck behind me, and never run away and get shot, thus causing the game getting stuck at this point. Installed live another live, opened the cell, fought the ghosts, left the tower, went to the nearest bandit cave, fought the bandits. Everything working fine, normal attacks, power attacks, ranged attacks, magic, both for me and npcs. Installed Combat Gameplay Overhaul to test, and... the character dodge properly only in first person. If i switch to third person, the character rolls in place.

ShikyoKira commented 4 years ago

Character roll in place is happens due to generated file overwritten by other mod. Please ensure that all generated files are have the highest priority

YanCabral commented 4 years ago

I've had issues like #238 when i was using loose animations like Pretty Combat Animations and the XPMSE plugin active. Aside from vanilla start, nemesis worked perfectly without any mod animations. Oh, and i didn't mentioned before, i'm using oldrim.

ShikyoKira commented 4 years ago

I heard CGO is causing this issue. Please verify this guys

ghost commented 4 years ago

I think CGO is incompatible with NFF(nether's follower framework). When i use CGO without NFF, this never happened (and vise versa). Maybe NFF's AI change doesn't work well with CGO? I'm not sure it's Nemesis Engine's problem.

ShikyoKira commented 4 years ago

oh you mean NFF affects non-follower NPC as well?

ghost commented 4 years ago

Yes. Non-followers didn't attack me. Except werewolves, mages and archers. I'm going to start a new game with NFF and Nemesis Engine(without CGO). Maybe i can clarify this soon.

YanCabral commented 4 years ago

I can't confirm about NFF, but for me, npc attacks with CGO enabled worked as intended. The only feature presenting issues was dodge roll in third person.

ghost commented 4 years ago

No NPC attack bug until now (20 hours of playthrough). I'm currently using Nemesis PCEA, XPMSE, AGO, Ultimate Combat, TK Dodge and NFF. I think It's not the Nemesis Engine's problem.

YanCabral commented 4 years ago

@onwagon21 could you please tell me what version of xpmse you're using, and if you have the mod plugin enabled? I managed to get nemesis working properly, but only on a clean installation (no other mods) and xpmse plugin disabled. Maybe it's the skeleton?

ghost commented 4 years ago

@YanCabral I'm using xpmse 4.71 (SE) and yes, I enabled the plugin.

YanCabral commented 4 years ago

I'm playing on LE, but. xpmse was updated to 4.72. i'll test this one and see what happens.

YanCabral commented 4 years ago

Here's the result of my last test. According to Netherworks, the feature unlock grip from CGO is what's causing issues with Nemesis. Unticking the box should solve the issue.

I installed xpmse 1.72 (last version), NFF last version, and nemesis last update on my default game (sadly, my test hd is gone), and got the same issues as before: stuck directional power attacks, npcs armed with melee weapons didn't attack, etc. Then i installed CGO and unticked the features related to unlocked grip, and... power attacks worked. I still don't know what's the issue with vanilla animation behaviors, but the issue with CGO seems to be the unlocked grip feature. Npc melee attacks still didn't work.

MadEngineer2010 commented 4 years ago

I've been away for a while but now I'm back to playing Skyrim and I decided to test a bit for this issue now that Nemesis was updated. While last time I tried I had this problem without CGO, this time it seems to be the culprit Starting with a new MO2 profile with no mods, and no manually installed mods outside of MO2, making 100% sure nothing remains of previous installed mods. I cleaned my overwrite folder and then I installed SKSE, Alternate Start, SkyUI and Nemesis. I ran Nemesis, but since I have no other animations installed it counted 0 animations. Started at the Companions using AS, punched someone and everyone attacked me normally, as expected since no animations were installed. Then I installed XPMSE, ran Nemesis again, and then tried the same thing, starting a new game and starting at Jorrvaskr. Everything worked ok. Uninstalled XPMSE, installed CGO, ran Nemesis and with the Companions again. I noticed something strange: Only female characters attacked me with melee weapons. Male character only bashed, and could still perform killmoves, but no normal attacks. And in 3rd person I could only roll in place. And no, it wasn't a generated file overwritten by other mods, I made sure the generated files are in the overwrite folder so they overwrite everything else, and the "animationdatasinglefile.txt" file in the overwrite folder is the latest one. I tried to change several CGO options, but nothing solved it. Tried again with both XPMSE and CGO at the same time. Same as above. Then I uninstalled both and tried with Characters Behavior Enhanced, Nemesis PCEA and Ultimate Combat. Worked perfectly with all of them, at least where being attacked by others is concerned. I tried several combinations of all the above, and the problem only appears with CGO, and only for male characters using melee weapons.

YanCabral commented 4 years ago

I got Nemesis working, full mod list, loose animations, xpmse menu, NFF, sexlab framework, Flower Girls and CGO, with an information found here:

Item 13 - Movement issues. After updating and running the engine, i still had the same issues. Then i replaced the generated animationdatasinglefile.txt with the one that came with CGO, and everything fell in place. Started a new game, the scene played as intended, and all enemies inside Helgen Keep attacked normally with their melee weapons. Run the whole game intro up to Whiterun stables. Started a brawl with Uthgerd, took her as a follower and went to Fort Greymoor. All npcs attacked normally, one and two hand melee, ranged and magic.

Also, CGO worked without issues, both unlocked grip, and dodge roll. I disabled the feature related with skills, as Netherworks said it was the cause of the issues CGO users were having.

EDIT: aparently, only some loose animations work (ex: power attacks). Others are replaced with those that come with CGO (ex: two handed instance).

YanCabral commented 4 years ago

More testing. I have downloaded some more animations and they replace CGO animations. As long as i run the engine and then replace the animationdatafile with the CGO one.

Also, searching my computer, i've found 2 instances of the file. One is in Data\Meshes and the other is in Data\Nemesis_Engine\Temp_Behaviors.

I'm sharing both files, Nemesis generated and CGO, for comparison.

ShikyoKira commented 3 years ago

do not use the one in temp_behaviors, it is preprocess file. Upon further investigation, the problem seems to stem from animationdatasetsinglefile.txt and/or animationdatasinglefile.txt

This is a difficult issue to deal with as I can't replicate it in my machine so i have to rely on 3rd for test it. But do not worry folks, I am taking this issue seriously. Thanks for all the updates

YanCabral commented 3 years ago

As a note, in my tests, animationdatasetsinglefile.txt remains the same, after being generated by Nemesis. Only animationdatasinglefile.txt need to be replaced. I can confirm that due to further testing, by removing CGO and installing The Ultimate Dodge Mod 4.3 i guess.

Just installing TUDM result in the same broken animations behavior, but replacing animationdatasinglefile.txt with the one packed with TUDM get everything working as it should. TUDM also comes with animationdatasetsinglefile.txt, but i didn't need to replace this file in order to get both mods to work.

Kaiezin commented 3 years ago

Heu Guys, i found a solution for me (I'm from brazil, sorry for bad english)

I'm using Vortex, and CGO, TK DODGE, AGO and UC.

I just managed the rules in VORTEX and set CGO AFTER TK, AGO and UC. Solved the Npc melee attacks.

If youre havin roll dodge issues with CGO, just Re-install and DONT run NEMESIS

DannySut commented 3 years ago

I'm having this same problem. Whenever I install XPMSE and/or CGO and subsequently run Nemesis: NPC's stop melee attacking when hostile in-game. NPC's won't attack the player and won't attack one another. I have tried them on vanilla - no unnecessary Plugins or Mods and I still seem to have the same problems.

rayzx6 commented 3 years ago

@ShikyoKira i have the same issue ,it only happens with male npcs ,also if the player is male ,there is no slide from place when i roll with dodge mod or step dodge for that matter and when i power attack ..slides normally in regular attack though , @Kaiezin and i dont have neither cgo nor tk dodge nor archrygo nor ultimate combat .

DarkDragon777 commented 3 years ago

I'm having this same issue too.

Only male NPCs don't use melee attacks, they can use dodge, bow, crossbow and magic, but they don't use melee combat, they are just using the blocking animations. Everything else is working fine, but I don't have Combat Gameplay Overhaul, just The Ultimate Dodge Mod , Combat Behavior Compulsion and 360 Walk and Run Plus.

Anyone has a solution?

DarkDragon777 commented 3 years ago

I think I found the problem: is not Nemesis Engine, is not Combat Gameplay Overhaul, is not Combat Behavior Compulsion... the problem is The Ultimate Dodge Mod.

I did a full uninstall of The Ultimate Dodge Mod and now everything is working fine. I think that the patch generated by Nemesis Engine for TUDM is broken or something, and I'm really sure that it needs to be fixed.

riskirills66 commented 3 years ago

I think I found the problem: is not Nemesis Engine, is not Combat Gameplay Overhaul, is not Combat Behavior Compulsion... the problem is The Ultimate Dodge Mod.

I did a full uninstall of The Ultimate Dodge Mod and now everything is working fine. I think that the patch generated by Nemesis Engine for TUDM is broken or something, and I'm really sure that it needs to be fixed.

i rarely use TUDM since CGO is out, but i wanted to try skysa and skysa doesn't compatible with CGO, that's why i replace CGO with TUDM because i only need dodge from that mod (please don't hate me, i just found CGO is still too early to be true, and it's so buggy) and, i encounter this problem, i believe Nemesis Engine patch for TUDM has something to do with the problem because i played TUDM with FNIS once (a long time ago) and it works just fine with FNIS(and i couldn't remember what version was that.)

my feeling tells me that the nemesis patch for TUDM has something to do with the error of male human NPC won't attack.

DarkDragon777 commented 3 years ago

Has anybody found a solution to this? I've tried again but still not working...

DarkDragon777 commented 3 years ago

Now... I have this: now with just running Nemesis without any mod that needs Nemesis... I got this problem.

I've testing this for all day, and I got this problems:

Just... What the hek?

DarkDragon777 commented 3 years ago

Please, read this to the end: I've found a solution that fixed my problem, and I hope that people here could fix this annoying problem with this...

If you are a player that switched recently from FNIS and just installed Nemesis to enjoy those amazing mods like Combat Behavior Compulsion or Combat Gameplay Overhaul, or you just want to see your dovahgirl walking in sexy armor with a personal DAR version of Victorias High Heel Walk and 360 Movement Behavior (with the slowmotion movement fix found in the 360MB comments section), you must disable the FNIS Gender Specific Patch before using Nemesis.

How that Patch has to do with Nemesis? Well, somehow, if you just switched from FNIS, Nemesis will register the FNIS Gender Patch even if you don't have enabled that patch in Nemesis, because Nemesis creates a dummy FNIS.esp for compatibility with FNIS mods, so, the melee combat will never work with Nemesis because it will be creating a behavior of gender specific animations from the FNIS patch, so, you have to do the following steps (NOTE: this is only for Mod Organizer 2 users, if you use Vortex or the outdated Nexus Mod Manager... divines bless you, kinsman).

Here are the steps:

  1. Execute Order 66...

Ehem...! Sorry...

  1. Execute Mod Organizer 2 AS ADMIN (yes, as admin). NOTE: If you have any Nemesis mod activated, just disable it to avoid any issue.
  2. Execute FNIS in MO2.
  3. If you are using mods like z3xLab or Flower Girls or any other mod that needs the Arm Fix Patch... enable the patch, if you don't, just skip this step (Why? Because Bugsthesda).
  4. Launch the FNIS update and let it finish its work.
  5. After FNIS finish its process, close it and then deactivate FNIS in MO2 folder section (the window in the left, not the one at the right side were the esp files are loaded).
  6. Now execute Nemesis.
  7. Update Nemesis engine (if you got a damn CTD from Nemesis, just execute Nemesis again).
  8. After the update... LAUNCH NEMESIS WITHOUT ANY PATCH ENABLED AND NO NEMESIS MODS ACTIVATED, let it finish all the work.
  9. Once Nemesis has finished, close it, then, play Skyrim and test.

If you have Dynamic Animation Replacer, and you have DAR mods that replaces the player animations, you'll se that your dovah will not doing an ugly T-Pose when loading the save file, this was happening because you enabled the FNIS Gender Specific Patch, and you just disabled FNIS and then you switched to Nemesis.

You'll see that even DAR mods like Stances - Dynamic Animation Sets will not lag anymore when you switch from stances in the game, or the DAR Animated Armoury Version will not do weird attacks were the weapons was going to use the vanilla animations and then just lagged into the new animations, this is because the FNIS Gender Patch was enabled and just registered by Nemesis. Try to do some test with DAR mods before installing any Nemesis mod to see how much your Skyrim improves without the Gender Patch.

Tomorrow I'll test with dodge mods to see if this fixed the melee combat problem with dodge mods enabled.

I hope this could be useful for people in the future.

riskirills66 commented 3 years ago

Ooh, this must be because i checked the gender spesific mod.

Pada tanggal Jum, 9 Okt 2020 12:34, DarkDragon777 menulis:

Please, read this to the end: I've found a solution that fixed my problem, and I hope that people here could fix this annoyinh problem with this...

If you are a player that switched recently from FNIS and just installed Nemesis to enjoy those amazing mods like Combat Behavior Compulsion or Combat Gameplay Overhaul, or you just want to see your dovahgirl walking in sexy armor with a personal DAR version of Victorias High Heel Walk and 360 Movement Behavior (with the slowmotion movement fix found in the 360MB comments section), you must disable the FNIS Gender Specific Patch before using Nemesis.

How that Patch has to do with Nemesis? Well, somehow, if you just switched from FNIS, Nemesis will register the FNIS Gender Patch even if you don't have enabled that patch in Nemesis, because Nemesis creates a dummy FNIS.esp for compatibility with FNIS mods, so, the melee combat will never work with Nemesis because it will be creating a behavior of gender specific animations from the FNIS patch, so, you have to do the following steps (NOTE: this is only for Mod Organizer 2 users, if you use Vortex or the outdated Nexus Mod Manager... divines bless you, kinsman).

Here are the steps:

  1. Execute Order 66...

Ehem...! Sorry...

  1. Execute Mod Organizer 2 AS ADMIN (yes, as admin). NOTE: If you have any Nemesis mod activated, just disable it to avoid any issue.
  2. Execute FNIS in MO2.
  3. If you are using mods like z3xLab or Flower Girls or any other mod that needs the Arm Fix Patch... enable the patch, if you don't, just skip this step (Why? Because Bugsthesda).
  4. Launch the FNIS update and let it finish its work.
  5. After FNIS finish its process, close it and then deactivate FNIS in MO2 folder section (the window in the left, not the one at the right side were the esp files are loaded).
  6. Now execute Nemesis.
  7. Update Nemesis engine (if you got a damn CTD from Nemesis, just execute Nemesis again).
  8. After the update... LAUNCH NEMESIS WITHOUT ANY PATCH ENABLED AND NO NEMESIS MODS ACTIVATED, let it finish all the work.
  9. Once Nemesis has finished, close it, then, play Skyrim and test.

If you have Dynamic Animation Replacer, and you have DAR mods that replaces the player animations, you'll se that your dovah will not doing an ugly T-Pose when loading the save file, this was happening because you enabled the FNIS Gender Specific Patch, and you just disabled FNIS and then you switched to Nemesis.

You'll see that even DAR mods like Stances - Dynamic Animation Sets will not lag anymore when you switch from stances in the game, or the DAR Animated Armoury Version will not do weird attacks were the weapons was going to use the vanilla animations and then just lagged into the new animations, this is because the FNIS Gender Patch was enabled and just registered by Nemesis. Try to do some test with DAR mods before installing any Nemesis mod to see how much your Skyrim improves without the Gender Patch.

Tomorrow I'll test with dodge mods to see if this fixed the melee combat problem with dodge mods enabled.

I hope this could be useful for people in the future.

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riskirills66 commented 3 years ago

Btw, i didn't instal fnis in this new fresh MO2 and Skyrim LE. I swear.

Pada tanggal Sab, 10 Okt 2020 05:52, Riski Rills menulis:

Ooh, this must be because i checked the gender spesific mod.

Pada tanggal Jum, 9 Okt 2020 12:34, DarkDragon777 <> menulis:

Please, read this to the end: I've found a solution that fixed my problem, and I hope that people here could fix this annoyinh problem with this...

If you are a player that switched recently from FNIS and just installed Nemesis to enjoy those amazing mods like Combat Behavior Compulsion or Combat Gameplay Overhaul, or you just want to see your dovahgirl walking in sexy armor with a personal DAR version of Victorias High Heel Walk and 360 Movement Behavior (with the slowmotion movement fix found in the 360MB comments section), you must disable the FNIS Gender Specific Patch before using Nemesis.

How that Patch has to do with Nemesis? Well, somehow, if you just switched from FNIS, Nemesis will register the FNIS Gender Patch even if you don't have enabled that patch in Nemesis, because Nemesis creates a dummy FNIS.esp for compatibility with FNIS mods, so, the melee combat will never work with Nemesis because it will be creating a behavior of gender specific animations from the FNIS patch, so, you have to do the following steps (NOTE: this is only for Mod Organizer 2 users, if you use Vortex or the outdated Nexus Mod Manager... divines bless you, kinsman).

Here are the steps:

  1. Execute Order 66...

Ehem...! Sorry...

  1. Execute Mod Organizer 2 AS ADMIN (yes, as admin). NOTE: If you have any Nemesis mod activated, just disable it to avoid any issue.
  2. Execute FNIS in MO2.
  3. If you are using mods like z3xLab or Flower Girls or any other mod that needs the Arm Fix Patch... enable the patch, if you don't, just skip this step (Why? Because Bugsthesda).
  4. Launch the FNIS update and let it finish its work.
  5. After FNIS finish its process, close it and then deactivate FNIS in MO2 folder section (the window in the left, not the one at the right side were the esp files are loaded).
  6. Now execute Nemesis.
  7. Update Nemesis engine (if you got a damn CTD from Nemesis, just execute Nemesis again).
  8. After the update... LAUNCH NEMESIS WITHOUT ANY PATCH ENABLED AND NO NEMESIS MODS ACTIVATED, let it finish all the work.
  9. Once Nemesis has finished, close it, then, play Skyrim and test.

If you have Dynamic Animation Replacer, and you have DAR mods that replaces the player animations, you'll se that your dovah will not doing an ugly T-Pose when loading the save file, this was happening because you enabled the FNIS Gender Specific Patch, and you just disabled FNIS and then you switched to Nemesis.

You'll see that even DAR mods like Stances - Dynamic Animation Sets will not lag anymore when you switch from stances in the game, or the DAR Animated Armoury Version will not do weird attacks were the weapons was going to use the vanilla animations and then just lagged into the new animations, this is because the FNIS Gender Patch was enabled and just registered by Nemesis. Try to do some test with DAR mods before installing any Nemesis mod to see how much your Skyrim improves without the Gender Patch.

Tomorrow I'll test with dodge mods to see if this fixed the melee combat problem with dodge mods enabled.

I hope this could be useful for people in the future.

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DarkDragon777 commented 3 years ago

Btw, i didn't instal fnis in this new fresh MO2 and Skyrim LE. I swear. Pada tanggal Sab, 10 Okt 2020 05:52, Riski Rills menulis: Ooh, this must be because i checked the gender spesific mod. Pada tanggal Jum, 9 Okt 2020 12:34, DarkDragon777 < @.***> menulis: > Please, read this to the end: I've found a solution that fixed my > problem, and I hope that people here could fix this annoyinh problem with > this... > > If you are a player that switched recently from FNIS and just installed > Nemesis to enjoy those amazing mods like Combat Behavior Compulsion or > Combat Gameplay Overhaul, or you just want to see your dovahgirl walking in > sexy armor with a personal DAR version of Victorias High Heel Walk and 360 > Movement Behavior (with the slowmotion movement fix found in the 360MB > comments section), you must disable the FNIS Gender Specific Patch before > using Nemesis. > > How that Patch has to do with Nemesis? Well, somehow, if you just > switched from FNIS, Nemesis will register the FNIS Gender Patch even if you > don't have enabled that patch in Nemesis, because Nemesis creates a dummy > FNIS.esp for compatibility with FNIS mods, so, the melee combat will never > work with Nemesis because it will be creating a behavior of gender specific > animations from the FNIS patch, so, you have to do the following steps > (NOTE: this is only for Mod Organizer 2 users, if you use Vortex or the > outdated Nexus Mod Manager... divines bless you, kinsman). > > Here are the steps: > > 1. Execute Order 66... > > Ehem...! Sorry... > > 1. Execute Mod Organizer 2 AS ADMIN (yes, as admin). NOTE: If you > have any Nemesis mod activated, just disable it to avoid any issue. > 2. Execute FNIS in MO2. > 3. If you are using mods like z3xLab or Flower Girls or any other mod > that needs the Arm Fix Patch... enable the patch, if you don't, just skip > this step (Why? Because Bugsthesda). > 4. Launch the FNIS update and let it finish its work. > 5. After FNIS finish its process, close it and then deactivate FNIS > in MO2 folder section (the window in the left, not the one at the right > side were the esp files are loaded). > 6. Now execute Nemesis. > 7. Update Nemesis engine (if you got a damn CTD from Nemesis, just > execute Nemesis again). > 8. After the update... LAUNCH NEMESIS WITHOUT ANY PATCH ENABLED AND > NO NEMESIS MODS ACTIVATED, let it finish all the work. > 9. Once Nemesis has finished, close it, then, play Skyrim and test. > > If you have Dynamic Animation Replacer, and you have DAR mods that > replaces the player animations, you'll se that your dovah will not doing an > ugly T-Pose when loading the save file, this was happening because you > enabled the FNIS Gender Specific Patch, and you just disabled FNIS and then > you switched to Nemesis. > > You'll see that even DAR mods like Stances - Dynamic Animation Sets will > not lag anymore when you switch from stances in the game, or the DAR > Animated Armoury Version will not do weird attacks were the weapons was > going to use the vanilla animations and then just lagged into the new > animations, this is because the FNIS Gender Patch was enabled and just > registered by Nemesis. Try to do some test with DAR mods before installing > any Nemesis mod to see how much your Skyrim improves without the Gender > Patch. > > Tomorrow I'll test with dodge mods to see if this fixed the melee combat > problem with dodge mods enabled. > > I hope this could be useful for people in the future. > > — > You are receiving this because you commented. > Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub > <#180 (comment)>, > or unsubscribe > > . >

In that case, don't check the Specific Gender Patch in Nemesis. In MO2 (executed as admin) do the following steps:

  1. Full uninstall of Nemesis Engine and related mods (TUDM, CBC, CGO, 360MB, etc.).
  2. Delete all the behaviors, character and Nemesis files generated in Overwrite.
  3. Install Nemesis again.
  4. Execute Nemesis.
  5. Update Nemesis Engine.
  6. Launch Nemesis Engine without any patch activated (when I say "without any patch", I mean... DON'T ACTIVATE ANYTHING IN THE PATCH SECTION)
  7. Once Nemesis finish its process, close it and then launch Skyrim.
  8. Create a new game and test.
riskirills66 commented 3 years ago

Try run the behavior engine patch one bye one, starting by the important one, for me is tudm, and do the rest after running the game. Always back up the overwrite folder before launch the engine again, and try the game after each patching. It works for me by doing that.

Pada tanggal Kam, 8 Okt 2020 13:02, DarkDragon777 menulis:

Has anybody found a solution to this? I've tried again but still not working...

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DarkDragon777 commented 3 years ago

After 4 days of testing, my game was running fine without any dodge mod since my last post about my temporal fix to the male NPCs not using melee combat, I was playing just normal Skyrim, so today I decided to test TUDM to see what happens... and the male NPCs simply refuse to use melee combat (again), just bows, spells and block/bash, but Female NPCs works fine without issues, and I think its a little silly that this happens only to male NPCs.

I can conclude that this is an issue between TUDM and Nemesis, and its a waste of time trying to find a manual fix for them, because its obvious that its something that needs to be fixed in the next Nemesis update, or probably its TUDM that has something that changes the melee combat and its not compatible with... almost anything, but I give up with TUDM and Nemesis and I'll just play Skyrim normally without dodge mods. I hope somebody can find a fix for this problem cause' I'm not an expert and my knowledge about this is very limited, probably my fix only works for people that keeps having the no meele combat issue and take back their normal game, or there is something missing that we can't see about TUDM and Nemesis that has confflicts with them.

Let's see what happens, and thank you for your help to those that have been reporting and posting probably fixes for this.

hamblepants commented 3 years ago

I'm also using Nemesis and TUDM, have recently updated Nemesis, and am having the same issue with NPC's (as far as I can tell all NPC's) only bashing and not attacking.

I haven't updated TUDM in 5+ months but have recently launched the Nemesis engine and clicked update engine. I only recently started having this problem, in the last week or two.

riskirills66 commented 3 years ago

I just launch the engine and reupdate the engine then launched it again, then check for warnings, wait about 5 minutes (even tho all proggress is already done, just incase background proggres is still running) then i close the engine after waiting. Apparently this trick works for me. I don't know why. Just redo everything everytime i get the bug, and it fixes itself. Sorry for grammar.

Pada tanggal Sel, 20 Okt 2020 10:27, hamblepants menulis:

I'm also using Nemesis and TUDM, have recently updated Nemesis, and am having the same issue with NPC's (as far as I can tell all NPC's) only bashing and not attacking.

I haven't updated TUDM in 5+ months but have recently launched the Nemesis engine and clicked update engine. I only recently started having this problem, in the last week or two.

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hamblepants commented 3 years ago

I just launch the engine and reupdate the engine then launched it again, then check for warnings, wait about 5 minutes (even tho all proggress is already done, just incase background proggres is still running) then i close the engine after waiting. Apparently this trick works for me. I don't know why. Just redo everything everytime i get the bug, and it fixes itself. Sorry for grammar. Pada tanggal Sel, 20 Okt 2020 10:27, hamblepants menulis: I'm also using Nemesis and TUDM, have recently updated Nemesis, and am having the same issue with NPC's (as far as I can tell all NPC's) only bashing and not attacking. I haven't updated TUDM in 5+ months but have recently launched the Nemesis engine and clicked update engine. I only recently started having this problem, in the last week or two. — You are receiving this because you commented. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub <#180 (comment)>, or unsubscribe .

so, if I understand:

1) open up the nemesis application 2) click "launch engine" without TUDM ticked? 3) let it finish 4) update the engine by clicking "update engine" 5) click "launch engine" again with the same options ticked. 6) wait 5 minutes to see if there are warnings. 7) close engine and run the game.

hamblepants commented 3 years ago

so I made sure that the animationdatasinglefile.txt from the TUDM 4.04 archive is loaded last in MO2, per YanCabral's suggestion, and my melee combat is back to normal.

I backed up the file from Jumping Behaviour Overhaul (the mod whose animationdatasinglefile.txt was previously loading last, i.e. winning), and then replaced the non-backup with the TUDM animationdatasinglefile.txt.

Thank you YanCabral!!

DarkDragon777 commented 3 years ago

Many months after, I found the issue with NPCs not attacking.

There are not problems with Nemesis, CGO, TUDM or SkySA, but all this happens cuz' an AI problem. What I mean with this? Mods like TUDM or CGO edits the NPCs AI to make work their dodge system, so, mods like Ultimate Combat, NFF, EFF or AF sometimes edits the same files (these files are compressed in BSA files most times), or their scripts edit the same file, and the only way to know that is:

Let CGO or TUDM have a higher priority, overriding anything in your mod manager (files and plugin). If you use Ultimate Combat, just disable the enemy AI and the dodge, then, enable the enemy AI only in the MCM, and thats all, this will "unlock" any script that was trying to execute at the same time as the script from your dodge mod, but, if you still having problems, just disable the NOC AI in Ultimate Combat, and, if you are using any follower framework mod, your dodge mod has to override them too (no exceptions!).

For the issue with dodge in the same place, you have to make a full clean Nemesis install (I mean: full uninstall and install it again), do it several times, sometimes there is some files that are left in the previous Nemesis installation, so... you must get rid with everything, and reinstall all your other Nemesis mods (any mod that has a Nemesis patch), you have to repeat the uninstall-install-upgrade-launch process may times until it works, this is because Nemesis sometimes doesn't generate its own animation.txt files, and overrides the files that already in other folder (like Ultimate Combat, TUDM or CGO), and this cause the "roll in place" or the "power attack in place" bugs, in this case you must move your files in MO to set wich one has to be in the correct order to override the files, and remember: if you use Ultimate Combat... TUDM AND CGO HAS TO OVERRIDE ULTIMATE COMBAT IN FILES AND PLUGIN LOAD ORDER, OR YOU'LL STILL GETTING THE AI ATTACK AND ROLL IN PLACE BUGS.

Now, if anyone knows how to fix my issues with DAR not playing animatios, is welcome. I'm trying to make it worn with CGO, but nothing seems to fix it.

kartonkatze commented 3 years ago

i'm having a similar problem (except i have CGO and NFF) and i've tried what @DarkDragon777 has posted but it did not work or i did it wrong. I've also tried other things listed here but none of them worked either the enemies always block/bash or other animations don't work (2H Greatsword animation not playing but instead it looks like the punching stance animation) anyone have any idea how to fix this?

moremoneya commented 3 years ago

i had male npcs not attacking in melee and dodging in place issue for a while on weird occasions, i tried using an older version of Nemesis (v0.80a) and it seems to be working properly for now... it might help you too @kartonkatze

DarkDragon777 commented 3 years ago

do not use the one in temp_behaviors, it is preprocess file. Upon further investigation, the problem seems to stem from animationdatasetsinglefile.txt and/or animationdatasinglefile.txt

This is a difficult issue to deal with as I can't replicate it in my machine so i have to rely on 3rd for test it. But do not worry folks, I am taking this issue seriously. Thanks for all the updates

It has been more than a year since this issue was reported, and I'm really out of ideas, and I was hopping you could say something about (yes, I've been waiting for a year about this issue), but I have some points to add to the threat that, in my opinion, are absolutly puzzling about this problem that affects multiple ussers:

  1. Seems that this issue apparently is random, but it isn't: some people has this problem with CGO, other people has it with SkySA, other people has it without any mod installed and just launching the Engine, but at some point, it becomes an annoying problem since its a random problem with random ways to fix it, making difficult to detect the culprit file that causes this issue.
  2. Probably an AI problem, but... How?: I can't understand how a behavior edit with some scripts or absolutly no scripts can affect the way the enemy AI works, and, yes, I know we are playing a Bethesda game, but is not normal since this happen only with Nemesis mods installed. Ultimate Combat got this issue in FNIS days, but it has a very easy fix, something that we don't have here (yet), and, as we can read in this threat, everybody have this problem with different (Nemesis) mods, or no mods at all, and its something we need to work together as a community.
  3. Nemesis Engine error 1210: In my personal experience, I got the Override file of Mod Organizer as the output objetive for Nemesis, and I was getting this error 1210, locking for a fakeblock behavior that doesn't exist in any of my installed mods, and, actually, I have only Attack Behavior Revamp (the CGO version) and Archery Gameplay Overhaul, and before I was playing with Ultimate Combat, and I thought it was related to Ultimate Combat, but, after testing Nemesis for a new game without Ultimate Combat, this problem was still there, appearing in my Nemesis, but, here is the most absurd part...

When I was getting the error 1210, my Attack Behavior Revamp and Archery Gameplay Overhaul were working flawlessly, with the CGO unlocked grip and grip change, air combat, CGO roll, etc., and with Flower Girls installed too! So, for a moment I thought "Why the f*ck ShikyoKira added that thing?", because, after I generated Nemesis again, this error 1210 disappears, but my NPCs weren't able to attack, and my attacks with Attack Behavior Revamp were stucked at place (dodge, power attacks, sprint attacks...), so, my way to fix this issue was getting this error 1210 in the first engine launch (deleting Nemesis_Engine file and building it again every time I installed a new animation, even the DAR animations), so, I found a tutorial by Distar66 saying that we need to make an empty mod in Mod Organizer for make Nemesis working, and that actually fixed the error 1210 issue, then, I started a new game with some NFSW mods from loverslab with Distar66's method, and everything was working, I thought I already fixed my problem with NPCs not attacking, letting CGO override everything but Attack Behavior Revamp, and the wench enemies added by the Immersive Wenches mods, plus the creature enemies, were working perfectly fine... until I found the first male NPC, there, just moving with their shield like an idiot, taunting my character, saying "Can't wait to count your coin", or "Never should have come here!" or "You picked a bad time to get lost, friend", but just blocking and moving like a stupid, just... that, and only the male archers and mages were able to attack, no male NPC was using melee but bashing with shields... or dodge rolling like if I were a damn Dark Souls boss.

So, what's the point of this experience? The first part, is that I didn't have problems when I was getting the error 1210 (and I never got a T-Pose issue), but the melee attack problem started after I fixed this error 1210 issue (and I never got a T-Pose issue too), am... well... maybe with unarmed attacks, something in the melee combat with CGO was giving me troubles, but the funny thing is that I got this melee issue in SkySA without unarmed combat problems, so... I'm not sure how to fix this.

  1. Combat Gameplay Overhaul, the main victim of this issue: I love this damn mod, and, when I made it work for Attack Behavior Revamp, it becomes a "must-have" in my load order, but, sadly, seems that this amazing mod is the main victim of this issue. I can't confirm that this issue happens with CGO, but something that touchs any CGO file or conflicts with CGO will trigger this issue, but, as we can read in this threat, it happens with other mods too (or not mods at all), so, we will never know what causses this problem.

  2. Any solution listed here actually doesn't works, this issue fixes itself by nonsense and the Will of the Divines: All the ussers here found their own solution that works on their load order only, but, if anyone else tries to use any solution added here, isn't going to work with their load order (only few cases), because, as you can see, I give different solutions... for different load orders that I got along these months, and other people got their solution that only worked on their load order, so, it makes me thing that this issue has to be with some kind of "chaos factors", I mean with this, that this issue can be triggered by anything in the different mod load orders of every usser, probably a dirty Nemesis Patch, incompatible scripts, wrong mod installation, AI conflicts... anything. The issue is there, stalking us, but it will trigger by any reason, and, in the same way it triggers, it will be fixed.

I can say, in conclusion, this issue will be there in Nemesis Engine, and probably we will never figure out what is the main cause of this issue, but in the same way it triggers, it will fix itself with something that changes or edit the culprit behind this. We have to still searching for the main cause, but, from my part, I'm tired to wait and searching a solution, and I'll just give up with this problem.

If you are a usser, and you have read this comment to the end, I thank you for your time, and I hope you can find a solution for your issue, and don't lost your hope, probably somebody will find a solution to this problem and everybody will enjoy their mods. Take care and have a nice day. Cheers!

DarkDragon777 commented 3 years ago

And... Nemesis still being a mess: even without Nemesis mods (just AGO), NPCs still not doing melee combat.

I've changed the output folder too, and nothing... still the same. This is bullshit.

DarkDragon777 commented 3 years ago

Well, looks like I've talking with a wall all this time, alone, like a madman, but it's almost a year since I reported to have this issue, I've trying every fix posible, not only from here, from Reddit, LoversLab and Nexus, but when I thought I found a solution everything ended with still having this issue.

Very specific: male NPCs being retarded and no attacking, just blocking and running around pretending been in combat with me, and male PC stucked in place while performing dodge and power attacks, but this problem was not present in female NPCs and female PC, and creatures where excluded from any issue. Some say is an AI problem, but the funny thing is that I don't have this issue when I use FNIS, everything works flawless, but if I try to use Nemesis I have this problem again.

Nemesis crashes, shows errors... anyway, it simply don't work for me, and seems that I'm the only idiot in all the community that isn't able to make work Nemesis engine. I tried deleting the generated file "Nemesis_engine" in Nemesis output, downloaded patches in Nexus, deleted and uninstalled almost all my mod installation, tried with running Nemesis engine multiple times, excluding everything in my antivirus, downgraded my mods and using older versions, reinstalling Skyrim and MO2... but it doesn't works, and I can't keep trying to fix this shit... I'm done with Nemesis.

AzamiMikazuki commented 2 years ago

this is clearly a problem with nemesis, i just did a clean install of skyrim, without any animation mods or anything like that, and the same bug occurred, i have no idea when the next nemesis update will come out, but i hope they fix it . Until then, I'm out of it.

Kinnas commented 2 years ago

I just fixed mine and i think it's a problem with nemesis and it's patches or somethin. I just reinstalled CGO with mine WITHOUT running nemesis(but make sure you have the patch already ticked in the first place) and it didn't only fix the attacking issue but also the dodge roll, it now works fine. Try reinstalling CGO or all your nemesis mods WITHOUT running nemesis(i only have CGO mod) and see if it fixes for you.

kartonkatze commented 2 years ago

back here to say @DarkDragon777 you're not alone in this. i've stopped using CGO for now but if theres a Nemesis update i will try again. also @Kinnas NOT using nemesis works with CGO however, this means you can't run any other nemesis dependant animation mods (like immersive interactions for example or zxlice's ultimate potion mod). because it breaks them.

kartonkatze commented 2 years ago

one thing i forgot to mention, as soon as i stopped using CGO my male NPC's started attacking again and stopped perma blocking. so regarding that issue it has been solved by simply not using the mod. which is sad because i really like CGO but i suppose i could try the other combat mods that have recently been made. until then i will check here from time to time to see what people say.