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[Modern Java In Action] Summary #3

Open ShimSeongbo opened 1 year ago

ShimSeongbo commented 1 year ago

Java StreamAPI - Modern Java in Action Summary

Introduction to StreamAPI

Streams, introduced in Java 8, represent a sequence of objects. They are designed to make data processing patterns readable and concise.

Key Features

Core Stream Operations

1. Filtering

Use the filter method:

List<String> filteredNames =
                                  .filter(n -> n.startsWith("A"))

2. Mapping

With the map method, you can transform data:

List<String> uppercasedNames =

3. Finding & Matching

-anyMatch: Check if a predicate matches at least one element. -allMatch: Check if a predicate matches all elements. -noneMatch: Check if no elements match the given predicate.

4. Reducing

The reduce method combines stream elements:

int totalCalories =
                        .reduce(0, Integer::sum);

5. Collecting

Gather data from a stream:

List<String> collectedNames =

Parallel Streams

To convert a stream to a parallel stream:

Stream<String> parallelNames = names.parallelStream();


Java's StreamAPI is a powerful and expressive tool that can significantly simplify data processing tasks, making your code more readable and maintainable.


ShimSeongbo commented 1 year ago

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