Shimell / DiscordWhitelisterSpigot

Spigot plugin that allows whitelisting users through a discord text channel.
MIT License
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easy whitelist not working #50

Open fapret opened 3 years ago

fapret commented 3 years ago

when trying to whitelist someone with easy whitelist it doesnt works, some people are able to add their username, but others cant and says theres probably a username problem. please fix that.

fapret commented 3 years ago

on the console it says [DiscordWhitelister] Yoselinnnm(760251490169913387) attempted to whitelist: Yoselinnnm, 1 whitelists remaining for example, but the username isnt added.

fapret commented 3 years ago

I compiled it myself adding that when is setted to work with easywhitelist it will also whitelist the user to the vanilla whitelist (which is off) and the problem was fixed. Probably is a problem that the plugin is checking for players on vanilla whitelist, and as they are not added it causes an error.