Shimell / DiscordWhitelisterSpigot

Spigot plugin that allows whitelisting users through a discord text channel.
MIT License
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Doesn't work on 1.18 #69

Open hyun790 opened 2 years ago

hyun790 commented 2 years ago

not sure what needs to be updated

EgamhCR commented 2 years ago

I have tested this plugin with Paper version git-Paper-48 (MC: 1.18) (Implementing API version 1.18-R0.1-SNAPSHOT) (Git: c837002) and it is working (to be clear, it works issuing commands from discord to the minecraft server). What issue are you experiencing? What version of Paper are you on? What version of this plugin? Can you provide more details on what you see, etc? Do you have it working in a 1.17.1 server or is this a new setup?

hyun790 commented 2 years ago

it's a new setup

It loads fine, maybe it's a misconfigure or something DiscordWhitelister v1.5.0 This server is running Paper version git-Paper-32 (MC: 1.18) (Implementing API version 1.18-R0.1-SNAPSHOT) (Git: 77ff1f3)

Insufficient Permissions
@vyo, you do not have permission to use this command.


no errors in console or nothin

bot-enabled: true
discord-bot-token: not posting my token here
use-id-for-roles: true
- owner
- Administration
- Moderation
- Curator
- owner
- Administration
- Moderation
- Curator
- Mod
- Whitelister
- Administration
- Curator
- whitelisted
- - Muted
- Administration
- '916608383208009799'
- '879520655035498557'
- '859546988886491186'
use-easy-whitelist: true
allow-limited-whitelisters-to-unwhitelist-self: true
whitelisted-role-auto-add: true
whitelisted-role-auto-remove: true
limited-whitelist-enabled: false
use-on-ban-events: false
unwhitelist-and-clear-perms-on-name-clear: true
max-whitelist-amount: 3
username-validation: true
removed-list-enabled: true
add-in-game-adds-and-removes-to-list: true
use-custom-messages: false
use-custom-prefixes: false
show-player-skin-on-whitelist: true
show-player-count: false
show-vanished-players-in-player-count: false
assign-perms-with-ultra-perms: false
assign-perms-with-luck-perms: true
use-on-whitelist-commands: false
send-instructional-message-on-whitelist: true
use-timer-for-instructional-message: false
timer-wait-time-in-seconds: 5
un-whitelist-on-server-leave: true
remove-unnecessary-messages-from-whitelist-channel: false
seconds-to-remove-message-from-whitelist-channel: 5
set-removed-message-colour-to-red: false
show-warning-in-command-channel: false
hide-info-command-replies: false
use-crafatar-for-avatars: false
use-geyser/floodgate-compatibility: true
geyser/floodgate prefix: _
un-whitelist-if-missing-role: false
check-all-roles: false
role-to-check-for: Twitch Subscriber

to be clear, i have all my roles copied and all the ids are correct, i've double checked. restarted the server and more.

EgamhCR commented 2 years ago

Insufficient Permissions, I love this one. Discord setup is the issue. This is because discord Bot setup has changed since the instructions and the video was posted.

Stop your MC server Kick your bot out of the discord server.

Go back to Discord Setup for the bot: Go to the BotPage. Please make certain you have Presence Intent - ON Server Members Intent - ON I also have "Message Content Intent - ON"

Save all of that.

Go to: OAuth2 / General Scopes: Check "BOT" and "applications.commands" Bot Permissions: Check "Administrator" (Save if that is an option)

(I do not understand why this is separated now)
Go to: OAuth2 / URL Generator Scopes: Check "BOT" and Check "applications.commands" Bot Permissions: Check "Administrator" Copy the URL it generates to a new window.

Go to that URL. Accept the Bot.

Restart the MC Server.
You will know this worked because it will create helper commands in the discord server. you can type "/" and see the commands from that bot you created are there.

/whitelist add /whitelist remove /whitelist whois /whitelist clear /help /clearban /clearanme

(Until you see the commands you cannot use them)

That should fix this issue.

hyun790 commented 2 years ago

Insufficient Permissions, I love this one. Discord setup is the issue. This is because discord Bot setup has changed since the instructions and the video was posted.

Stop your MC server Kick your bot out of the discord server.

Go back to Discord Setup for the bot: Go to the BotPage. Please make certain you have Presence Intent - ON Server Members Intent - ON I also have "Message Content Intent - ON"

Save all of that.

Go to: OAuth2 / General Scopes: Check "BOT" and "applications.commands" Bot Permissions: Check "Administrator" (Save if that is an option)

(I do not understand why this is separated now) Go to: OAuth2 / URL Generator Scopes: Check "BOT" and Check "applications.commands" Bot Permissions: Check "Administrator" Copy the URL it generates to a new window.

Go to that URL. Accept the Bot.

Restart the MC Server. You will know this worked because it will create helper commands in the discord server. you can type "/" and see the commands from that bot you created are there.

/whitelist add /whitelist remove /whitelist whois /whitelist clear /help /clearban /clearanme

(Until you see the commands you cannot use them)

That should fix this issue.

did all that, it readded the slash commands now it just says interaction failed. not sure what the issue is, exact same config

EgamhCR commented 2 years ago

Sorry, I do not know interaction failed. Where is it saying that? Minecraft Log or Discord or where? And how did you get it to say that?

AD-Wright commented 2 years ago

I finally got this working with 1.5.0, it looks like the permissions step was the issue. When the OAuth page was split in 2, somehow the first page selections do not make it into the URL generator. Corrections below:

Insufficient Permissions, I love this one. Discord setup is the issue. This is because discord Bot setup has changed since the instructions and the video was posted.

Stop your MC server Kick your bot out of the discord server.

Go back to Discord Setup for the bot: Go to the BotPage. Please make certain you have Presence Intent - ON Server Members Intent - ON I also have "Message Content Intent - ON"

Save all of that.

Go to: OAuth2 / General Scopes: Check "BOT" and "applications.commands" Bot Permissions: Check "Administrator" (Save if that is an option)

(I do not understand why this is separated now) Go to: OAuth2 / URL Generator Scopes: Check "BOT" and Check "applications.commands" Bot Permissions: Check "Administrator" Copy the URL it generates to a new window.

The URL will look something like this: in order to add the checkbox selections from the previous page into this URL, change the scope=applications.commands part to &permissions=8&scope=bot%20applications.commands.

The URL will then look something like this:

Go to that URL. Accept the Bot.

Restart the MC Server. You will know this worked because it will create helper commands in the discord server. you can type "/" and see the commands from that bot you created are there.

/whitelist add /whitelist remove /whitelist whois /whitelist clear /help /clearban /clearanme

(Until you see the commands you cannot use them)

You should also see the bot in the members list.

That should fix this issue.