Shimell / DiscordWhitelisterSpigot

Spigot plugin that allows whitelisting users through a discord text channel.
MIT License
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1.18, the bot is completely not responding #70

Open wabbled opened 2 years ago

wabbled commented 2 years ago

I start the server, with everything set up on Paper snapshot 57, I run the command /whitelist add "username" but the bot doesn't respond at all, when someone joins the server, it says Could not pass event PlayerQuitEvent / PlayerJoinEvent to DiscordWhitelister And the player counter in the status doesn't change... image This is me struggling and spamming commands..

My code:

bot-enabled: true discord-bot-token: nope use-id-for-roles: false add-remove-roles:

wabbled commented 2 years ago

It somehow worked as I was posting this nevermind lol

sykima commented 2 years ago

It somehow worked as I was posting this nevermind lol


ChrissW-R1 commented 2 years ago

Good question. Same problem here!