Shin-NiL / Godot-Android-Admob-Plugin

Android AdMob plugin for Godot Game Engine 3.2 or higher
MIT License
548 stars 67 forks source link

Some rewarded signals notworking #48

Closed martinpelli closed 4 years ago

martinpelli commented 4 years ago

Tryied on godot 3.2.2 and 3.2.1

tryied with admob 4.0.0 and the previous version for Godot 3.2.1

the signals _on_Admob_rewarded(currency, amount) and _on_Admob_rewarded_video_closed() dont work. I have interstitial ads working and all signals works fine. (to verify if a signal works I put a get_tree().quit() inside the method. So, when doing this on _on_Admob_rewarded_video_failed_to_load(error_code) signal, if you are not connected to internet the the app quit if not, no, so is working fine, but if you do that with rewarded and closed signals no matter what you do (how many times you close the ad or watched full, nothing happens) and also no matter what you dou inside the method, don´t work

CngKO commented 4 years ago

@martinpelli, I am not even able to see the rewarded ads. How were you able to get it to display? Do you have a sample app? Are you adding the AdMob node as a first-level child of the root node?

martinpelli commented 4 years ago

@CngKO, I haven’t an example but If I could, you can. I have a scene with a canvas layer root, as a child of it, the admob node,inside the script of the root, acces to the admob node by a simple $Admob.load_rewarded_video() on func ready() And and $Admob_show_rewarded_video() on the method that you want to show it. On the admob node config I have is real disabled And my rewarded ID , and the rewarded video works fine but not those signals

CngKO commented 4 years ago

@martinpelli, I am making the $Admob.load_rewarded_video() call on _ready() like you, but rewarded_video_loaded event is not being triggered by the Admob node, leading to no ads being displayed.

CngKO commented 4 years ago

Waaait a moment... I launched the android build after running $> adb logcat -s godot on powershell and everything started to work. I am able to see the rewarded video and all AdMob events are triggered as expected.

martinpelli commented 4 years ago

Waaait a moment... I launched the android build after running $> adb logcat -s godot on powershell and everything started to work. I am able to see the rewarded video and all AdMob events are triggered as expected.

So that too much to understand to me jajaja, so signals that I mention works to you? If works, how? You connected the signal from de admob plugin to your script and the do something inside the method?

CngKO commented 4 years ago

@martinpelli, here is my code:

extends Node


var is_rewarded_video_loaded: bool
var is_rewarded_video_requested: bool

var num_rewarded_video_failed_load_attempts: int

func _init() -> void:
    is_rewarded_video_loaded = false
    is_rewarded_video_requested = false

    num_rewarded_video_failed_load_attempts = 0

func _ready() -> void:

func _on_PlayAdUIButton_ui_button_pressed() -> void:
    is_rewarded_video_requested = true

    if is_rewarded_video_loaded:

func _on_AdMob_rewarded_video_loaded() -> void:
    is_rewarded_video_loaded = true

    if is_rewarded_video_requested:

func _on_AdMob_rewarded_video_failed_to_load(error_code: int) -> void:
    printerr("Rewarded video failed to load due to error %d" % error_code)

    num_rewarded_video_failed_load_attempts += 1

    if num_rewarded_video_failed_load_attempts > MAX_REWARDED_VIDEO_LOAD_ATTEMPTS:

func _on_AdMob_rewarded_video_started() -> void:
    is_rewarded_video_loaded = false
    is_rewarded_video_requested = false

func _on_AdMob_rewarded_video_closed() -> void:

func _on_AdMob_rewarded_video_left_application() -> void:

func _on_AdMob_rewarded(currency: String, amount: int) -> void:

Make sure that you use Google's test ad unit IDs when testing:

Banner | ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/6300978111 Interstitial | ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/1033173712 Interstitial Video | ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/8691691433 Rewarded Video | ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/5224354917 Native Advanced | ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/2247696110 Native Advanced Video | ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/1044960115

If you have any other problems, then taking a look at adb logs is a life saver:

$> adb logcat -s godot

martinpelli commented 4 years ago

@CngKO it was because of the rewarded id, now works thanks you so much!!

martinpelli commented 4 years ago

@CngKO forget it, I discovered that the method only works 1 time, if I change the scene, this 2 methods don´t work. How do yo use the logcat? I put it adb devices and showed my device, but when I put $> adb logcat -s godot , it says that $ is not recognized as a command

martinpelli commented 4 years ago

@CngKO so I used the logcat and get this

07-03 04:39:41.119  6765  6765 W godot   : AdMob: onRewardedVideoAdLoaded
07-03 04:39:41.450  6765  6765 W godot   : AdMob: onAdLoaded
07-03 04:40:40.026  6765  6765 W godot   : AdMob: onRewardedVideoAdOpened
07-03 04:40:40.586  6765  6765 W godot   : AdMob: onRewardedVideoStarted
07-03 04:40:44.366  6765  6765 W godot   : AdMob: onRewardedVideoAdClosed
07-03 04:41:08.658  6765  6795 D godot   : AdMob: init with content rating options
07-03 04:41:11.382  6765  6765 W godot   : AdMob: onAdLoaded
07-03 04:41:11.693  6765  6765 W godot   : AdMob: onRewardedVideoAdLoaded
07-03 04:41:11.693  6765  6765 E godot   : **ERROR**: Condition "!obj" is true.
07-03 04:41:11.693  6765  6765 E godot   :    At: platform/android/java_godot_lib_jni.cpp:484:Java_org_godotengine_godot_GodotLib_calldeferred() - Condition "!obj" is true.
07-03 04:41:31.508  6765  6765 W godot   : AdMob: onRewardedVideoAdOpened
07-03 04:41:31.508  6765  6765 E godot   : **ERROR**: Condition "!obj" is true.
07-03 04:41:31.508  6765  6765 E godot   :    At: platform/android/java_godot_lib_jni.cpp:484:Java_org_godotengine_godot_GodotLib_calldeferred() - Condition "!obj" is true.
07-03 04:41:32.072  6765  6765 W godot   : AdMob: onRewardedVideoStarted
07-03 04:41:32.072  6765  6765 E godot   : **ERROR**: Condition "!obj" is true.
07-03 04:41:32.072  6765  6765 E godot   :    At: platform/android/java_godot_lib_jni.cpp:484:Java_org_godotengine_godot_GodotLib_calldeferred() - Condition "!obj" is true.
07-03 04:41:39.065  6765  6765 W godot   : AdMob: onRewardedVideoCompleted
07-03 04:41:39.065  6765  6765 E godot   : **ERROR**: Condition "!obj" is true.
07-03 04:41:39.065  6765  6765 E godot   :    At: platform/android/java_godot_lib_jni.cpp:484:Java_org_godotengine_godot_GodotLib_calldeferred() - Condition "!obj" is true.
07-03 04:41:39.075  6765  6765 W godot   : AdMob:  onRewarded! currency: coins amount: 10
07-03 04:41:39.076  6765  6765 E godot   : **ERROR**: Condition "!obj" is true.
07-03 04:41:39.076  6765  6765 E godot   :    At: platform/android/java_godot_lib_jni.cpp:484:Java_org_godotengine_godot_GodotLib_calldeferred() - Condition "!obj" is true.
07-03 04:41:39.956  6765  6765 W godot   : AdMob: onRewardedVideoAdClosed
07-03 04:41:39.956  6765  6765 E godot   : **ERROR**: Condition "!obj" is true.
07-03 04:41:39.956  6765  6765 E godot   :    At: platform/android/java_godot_lib_jni.cpp:484:Java_org_godotengine_godot_GodotLib_calldeferred() - Condition "!obj" is true.

I don´t understand why or what signifcate has this error. But I also don´t understand why the things that I do inside the methods don´t work, as you can see the logcat is saying that the video was closed, and the code inside the on_video_rewarded_closed never execute.CAN SOMEONE HELP ME??

CngKO commented 4 years ago

@martinpelli, I haven't yet tested switching scenes, & then coming back to the scene with the AdMob node to check if it still works. Will do that today & let you know if it works. Thanks for the heads up.

CngKO commented 4 years ago

@martinpelli, I have just tested and can't reproduce the problem that you've mentioned. I play the rewarded video, switch to another scene, switch back to the scene with the AdMob node & am able to play a rewarded video again with the code I pasted above.

Make sure that every scene that you're trying to play the rewarded video ad from has an AdMob node attached to it.

Shin-NiL commented 4 years ago

Make sure that every scene that you're trying to play the rewarded video ad from has an AdMob node attached to it.

That's exactly what must be done. The error you're getting @martinpelli is because the AdMob plugin singleton is losing the reference for the gdscript that was calling. Adding an AdMob node on another scene rebind this reference.

martinpelli commented 4 years ago

@CngKO @Shin-NiL I really, really apreciate your help. Thanks a lot for taking your time. It is very weird, I will try to explain most detailed that I can. I have the admob plugin on all scenes. I have a rewarded video on level 2. If I enter to the game and go directly to level 2 the methods works perfect. If I reset the level, change the scene to the same level, the methods don’t work. If I close the app , open again and godirectly to level 2, works again. If I go to level 1, I win it, pass to next level (change_scene_to .... lavel 2) the methods don’t works. So only works one tim if I go directly, I check everything and I dont have any idea of what can be happening, I wil continue checking, but if you have any clue, please tell me , as you can see I am not experimented. Someone tell me that the error is because of a null pointer so maybe the var where I save the reference to admob is null but I dont understand why because the first time works and changing the scene to the same lose the references. I clarify that the advertisements always work, the video is always shown, that works perfectly, what does not always work are the signals of closed and rewarded

CngKO commented 4 years ago

@martinpelli, how are you switching scenes? Are you using get_tree().change_scene("res://....tscn") or get_tree().change_scene_to(packed_scene)?

Shin-NiL commented 4 years ago

The plugin java code needs a reference to the current gdscript, it's passed using the get_instance_id() on the init method of the script. The init method is called on _enter_tree callback of the script.

So it's seems like the _enter_tree is not been called when you change the scene.

martinpelli commented 4 years ago

The plugin java code needs a reference to the current gdscript, it's passed using the get_instance_id() on the init method of the script. The init method is called on _enter_tree callback of the script.

So it's seems like the _enter_tree is not been called when you change the scene.

so when I change the scene I have to call _enter_tree method?
something like this:

onready var admob = get_parent().get_node("Admob")
func _ready():

func _on_again_released():

martinpelli commented 4 years ago

@martinpelli, how are you switching scenes? Are you using get_tree().change_scene("res://....tscn") or get_tree().change_scene_to(packed_scene)?

with get_tree().change_scene("res://....tscn")

Shin-NiL commented 4 years ago

so when I change the scene I have to call _enter_tree method?

No, it's called by Godot.

Let's try something a little different, try to call init explicitly:

func _ready():
martinpelli commented 4 years ago

so when I change the scene I have to call _enter_tree method?

No, it's called by Godot.

Let's try something a little different, try to call init explicitly:

func _ready():

unfortunately, getting the same

martinpelli commented 4 years ago

so when I change the scene I have to call _enter_tree method?

No, it's called by Godot. Let's try something a little different, try to call init explicitly:

func _ready():

unfortunately, getting the same

I don´t have to add admob script or node to autoload? Because in project settings,autoload, I don´t have it

CngKO commented 4 years ago

You don't need to have AdMob on autoload.

Is it possible for you to attach a stripped down minimalized project that contains this problem?

martinpelli commented 4 years ago

You don't need to have AdMob on autoload.

Is it possible for you to attach a stripped down minimalized project that contains this problem?

I wil try

martinpelli commented 4 years ago

You don't need to have AdMob on autoload.

Is it possible for you to attach a stripped down minimalized project that contains this problem?

So I created a new project added the plugin and the methods works perfectly when I reset the scene, so the problem is my game that have something wrong ,but could not figure out what because I am doing the same in this new project, I am getting crazy. The only difference that I can note is that in my game de xml manifest has this:

<!-- Custom application XML added by add-ons. -->
    <!-- Sample AdMob App ID: ca-app-pub-3940256099942544~3347511713 -->

and the new project created that works fine has this:

<!-- Custom application XML added by add-ons. -->
martinpelli commented 4 years ago

@Shin-NiL @CngKO I clear everything , all nodes and deleted the plguin and reinstalled and now is working, thanks to both, really!

Shin-NiL commented 4 years ago

@martinpelli good to know!