ShinKage / idris2-nvim

Simple configuration and extra tools for NVIM + LSP + Idris2
MIT License
46 stars 7 forks source link

highlight not working by default #30

Open glyh opened 1 year ago

glyh commented 1 year ago

Here's my config with lazy:

  { 'ShinKage/idris2-nvim',
    dependencies = {'neovim/nvim-lspconfig', 'MunifTanjim/nui.nvim'},
    -- ft = 'idr',
    lazy = false,
    config = function()
      vim.cmd [[highlight link LspSemantic_type Include]]


ichxorya commented 11 months ago

Have you fixed it?

glyh commented 11 months ago


mainrs commented 10 months ago

Does autocomplete or any of the features work for you? The plugin does nothing in my case. Neither syntax highlighting nor does it add any autocompletion features.

Both idris2 and idris2-lsp are on my path. And I have a ipkg file.

glyh commented 10 months ago

Nothing worked when I test it.