Shinmera / plump

Practically Lenient and Unimpressive Markup Parser for Common Lisp
zlib License
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Non-Standard Readtable Case Causes Problems with Automatically Constructed Predicates #11

Closed TatriX closed 8 years ago

TatriX commented 8 years ago

A lot of libraries uses plump:element-p and plump uses it itself but in recent versions of the library elemenent-p is missing.

Shinmera commented 8 years ago

Where do you see evidence of this? The definition is still in the source and I can call the function as expected.

TatriX commented 8 years ago

I've made (ql:quickload :plump) and then calling of (plump:element-p) leads to undefined error.

Shinmera commented 8 years ago

Well I'm sorry to say but I cannot reproduce your claim, nor see how I possibly could given that as I said the definition is still in the source and has never been removed from it since it was introduced.

* (ql:quickload :plump)
To load "plump":
  Load 1 ASDF system:
; Loading "plump"

* (plump:element-p)

debugger invoked on a SB-INT:SIMPLE-PROGRAM-ERROR in thread
#<THREAD "main thread" RUNNING {10029EE613}>:
  invalid number of arguments: 0
TatriX commented 8 years ago
This is SBCL 1.3.1, an implementation of ANSI Common Lisp.
More information about SBCL is available at <>.

SBCL is free software, provided as is, with absolutely no warranty.
It is mostly in the public domain; some portions are provided under
BSD-style licenses.  See the CREDITS and COPYING files in the
distribution for more information.
* (ql:quickload :plump)
To load "plump":
  Load 1 ASDF system:
; Loading "plump"

* (type-of #'plump:element-p)

debugger invoked on a UNDEFINED-FUNCTION in thread
#<THREAD "main thread" RUNNING {1002AAC5D3}>:
  The function PLUMP-DOM:ELEMENT-P is undefined.

Type HELP for debugger help, or (SB-EXT:EXIT) to exit from SBCL.

restarts (invokable by number or by possibly-abbreviated name):
  0: [ABORT] Exit debugger, returning to top level.

Shinmera commented 8 years ago

Have you verified that the sources have not been modified locally?

TatriX commented 8 years ago

Yes. I've tried clean git clone also.

Shinmera commented 8 years ago

What are the contents of the dom.lisp file?

TatriX commented 8 years ago


 This file is a part of Plump
 (c) 2014 Shirakumo (
 Author: Nicolas Hafner <>

(in-package #:org.shirakumo.plump.dom)

(defclass node ()
  (:documentation "Base DOM node class."))

(defclass nesting-node (node)
  ((%children :initarg :children :initform (make-child-array) :accessor children :type (and (vector child-node) (not simple-array))))
  (:documentation "Node class that can contain child nodes."))
(declaim (ftype (function (nesting-node) (and (vector child-node) (not simple-array))) children))
(setf (documentation 'children 'function) "Returns a vector of child-nodes that are contained within the node.")

(defclass child-node (node)
  ((%parent :initarg :parent :initform (error "Parent required.") :accessor parent :type (or null nesting-node)))
  (:documentation "Node class that is a child and thus has a parent."))
(declaim (ftype (function (child-node) (or null nesting-node)) parent))
(setf (documentation 'parent 'function) "Returns the node's parent that should contain this element as a child.")

(defclass textual-node (node)
  ((%text :initarg :text :initform "" :accessor text :type string))
  (:documentation "Node class that represents a textual node and thus contains a TEXT field."))
(setf (documentation 'text 'function) "Returns the node's textual content.")

(defclass root (nesting-node)
  (:documentation "Root DOM node, practically equivalent to a \"document\"."))

(defclass text-node (child-node textual-node)
  (:documentation "Text node that can only contain a single text string."))

(defclass comment (child-node textual-node)
  (:documentation "Comment node that can only contain a single comment string."))

(defclass element (nesting-node child-node)
  ((%tag-name :initarg :tag-name :initform (error "Tag name required.") :accessor tag-name :type string)
   (%attributes :initarg :attributes :initform (make-attribute-map) :accessor attributes :type hash-table))
  (:documentation "Standard DOM element/block including attributes, tag-name, parent and children."))
(setf (documentation 'tag-name 'function) "Returns the element's tag name.")
(setf (documentation 'attributes 'function) "Returns an EQUALP hash-table of the element's attributes.")

(defmethod print-object ((node element) stream)
  (print-unreadable-object (node stream :type T :identity T)
    (write-string (tag-name node) stream))

(defclass doctype (child-node)
  ((%doctype :initarg :doctype :initform (error "Doctype declaration required.") :accessor doctype :type string))
  (:documentation "Special DOM node for the doctype declaration."))
(setf (documentation 'doctype 'function) "Returns the doctype node's actual doctype string.")

(defmethod print-object ((node doctype) stream)
  (print-unreadable-object (node stream :type T)
    (write-string (doctype node) stream))

(defclass fulltext-element (element) ()
  (:documentation "Special DOM element that contains full, un-entitied text like SCRIPT and STYLE."))

(defclass xml-header (child-node)
  ((%attributes :initarg :attributes :initform (make-attribute-map) :accessor attributes :type hash-table))
  (:documentation "XML header element"))

(defmethod print-object ((node xml-header) stream)
  (print-unreadable-object (node stream :type T)
    (format stream "version ~a" (attribute node "version")))

(defclass cdata (child-node textual-node)
  (:documentation "XML CDATA section node."))

(defmethod print-object ((node cdata) stream)
  (print-unreadable-object (node stream :type T)
    (if (< 20 (length (text node)))
        (format stream "~s..." (subseq (text node) 0 20))
        (format stream "~s" (text node))))

(defclass processing-instruction (child-node textual-node)
  ((%tag-name :initarg :tag-name :initform NIL :accessor tag-name :type (or null string)))
  (:documentation "XML processing instruction node."))

(defmethod print-object ((node processing-instruction) stream)
  (print-unreadable-object (node stream :type T)
    (format stream "~@[~a~]" (tag-name node)))

(declaim (ftype (function (&optional fixnum) (and (vector child-node) (not simple-array))) make-child-array))
(defun make-child-array (&optional (size 0))
  "Creates an array to contain child elements"
  (make-array size :adjustable T :fill-pointer 0 :element-type 'child-node))

(declaim (ftype (function (array) (and (vector child-node) (not simple-array))) ensure-child-array))
(defun ensure-child-array (array)
  "If the ARRAY is suitable as a child-array, it is returned.
Otherwise the array's elements are copied over into a proper
  (etypecase array
    ((and vector (not simple-array))
     (let ((proper (make-child-array (length array))))
       (loop for item across array
             do (vector-push item proper))

(defun make-attribute-map (&optional (size 0))
  "Creates a map to contain attributes."
  (make-hash-table :test 'equalp :size size))

(defun ensure-attribute-map (table)
  "Ensures that the TABLE is suitable as an attribute-map.
If it is not, the table is copied into a proper attribute-map."
  (if (eql (hash-table-test table) 'equalp)
      (let ((proper (make-attribute-map)))
        (maphash #'(lambda (k v) (setf (gethash k proper) v)) table)

(defun make-root (&optional (children (make-child-array)))
  "Creates a root node with the given children.
Children should be a vector with fill-pointer."
  (make-instance 'root :children children))

(defmacro make-appending ((class parent) &body properties)
    (make-instance ',class :parent ,parent ,@properties)))

(defun make-element (parent tag &key (children (make-child-array)) (attributes (make-attribute-map)))
  "Creates a standard DOM element with the given tag name and parent.
Optionally a vector (with fill-pointer) containing children and an
attribute-map (a hash-table with equalp test) can be supplied.

Note that the element is automatically appended to the parent's child list."
  (make-appending (element parent)
    :tag-name tag
    :children children
    :attributes attributes))

(defun make-text-node (parent &optional (text ""))
  "Creates a new text node under the parent.

Note that the node is automatically appended to the parent's child list."
  (make-appending (text-node parent)
    :text text))

(defun make-comment (parent &optional (text ""))
  "Creates a new comment node under the parent.

Note that the node is automatically appended to the parent's child list."
  (make-appending (comment parent)
    :text text))

(defun make-doctype (parent doctype)
  "Creates a new doctype node under the parent.

Note that the node is automatically appended to the parent's child list."
  (make-appending (doctype parent)
    :doctype doctype))

(defun make-fulltext-element (parent tag &key text (attributes (make-attribute-map)))
  "Creates a fulltext element under the parent.
Optionally a text and an attribute-map (a hash-table with equalp test) 
can be supplied.

Note that the element is automatically appended to the parent's child list."
  (let ((element (make-instance 'fulltext-element :tag-name tag
                                                  :parent parent
                                                  :attributes attributes)))
    (when text
      (make-text-node element text))
    (append-child parent element)))

(defun make-xml-header (parent &key (attributes (make-attribute-map)))
  "Creates an XML header object under the parent.

Note that the element is automatically appended to the parent's child list."
  (make-appending (xml-header parent)
    :attributes attributes))

(defun make-cdata (parent &key (text ""))
  "Creates an XML CDATA section under the parent.

Note that the element is automatically appended to the parent's child list."
  (make-appending (cdata parent)
    :text text))

(defun make-processing-instruction (parent &key name (text ""))
  "Creates an XML processing instruction under the parent.

Note that the element is automatically appended to the parent's child list."
  (make-appending (processing-instruction parent)
    :tag-name name
    :text text))

(defmacro define-predicates (&rest classes)
     ,@(loop for class in classes
             for predicate = (intern (format NIL "~a-P" class))
             for docstring = (format NIL "Returns T if the given OBJECT is of type ~a" class)
             collect `(defun ,predicate (object)
                        (typep object ',class)) into definitions
             collect predicate into predicates
             finally (return `((declaim (inline ,@predicates))


(defun clear (nesting-node)
  "Clears all children from the node.

Noe that the PARENT of all child elements is set to NIL."
  (loop for child across (children nesting-node)
        do (setf (parent child) NIL))
  (setf (fill-pointer (children nesting-node)) 0)

(defun siblings (child)
  "Returns the array of siblings of the given child.
Note that this is a copy of the array, modifying it is safe."
  (remove child (children (parent child))))

(defun family (child)
  "Returns the direct array of children of the parent of the given child.
Note that modifying this array directly modifies that of the parent."
  (children (parent child)))

(defun child-position (child)
  "Returns the index of the child within its parent."
  (the fixnum (position child (family child))))

(defun append-child (parent child)
  "Appends the given child onto the parent's child list.
Returns the child."
  (setf (parent child) parent)
  (vector-push-extend child (children parent))

(defun prepend-child (parent child)
  "Prepends the given child onto the parent's child list.
Returns the child.

Note that this operation is costly, see VECTOR-PUSH-EXTEND-FRONT"
  (setf (parent child) parent)
  (vector-push-extend-front child (children parent))

(defun remove-child (child)
  "Removes the child from its parent.
Returns the child.

Note that this operation is potentially very costly.
   (family child)
   (child-position child))
  (setf (parent child) NIL)

(defun replace-child (old-child new-child)
  "Replace the old child with a new one.
Returns the old child."
  (setf (parent new-child) (parent old-child)
        (elt (family old-child) (child-position old-child)) new-child
        (parent old-child) NIL)

(defun insert-before (element new-child)
  "Inserts the new-child before the given element in the parent's list.
Returns the new child.

Note that this operation is potentially very costly.
   (family element)
   (child-position element))

(defun insert-after (element new-child)
  "Inserts the new-child after the given element in the parent's list.
Returns the new child.

Note that this operation is potentially very costly.
   (family element)
   (1+ (child-position element)))

(defun splice (element)
  "Splices the contents of element into the position of the element in its parent.
Returns the parent.

Note that this operation is potentially very costly.
  (let* ((parent (parent element))
         (family (children parent))
         (count (length (children element)))
         (position (child-position element)))
    (cond ((= 0 count)
           (vector-pop-position family position)
           (array-shift (children parent) :n (1- count) :from position)
           (loop repeat count
                 for i from position
                 for child across (children element)
                 do (setf (aref family i) child)
                    (setf (parent child) parent))))
    (setf (parent element) NIL)

(defun clone-children (node &optional deep new-parent)
  "Clone the array of children.
If DEEP is non-NIL, each child is cloned as per (CLONE-NODE NODE T).
When copying deeply, you can also pass a NEW-PARENT to set on each child."
  (loop with array = (make-child-array (length (children node)))
        for child across (children node)
        do (vector-push (if deep
                            (let ((child (clone-node child T)))
                              (when new-parent (setf (parent child) new-parent))
                            child) array)
        finally (return array)))

(defun clone-attributes (node)
  "Clone the attribute map.
Note that keys and values are NOT copied/cloned."
  (let ((map (make-attribute-map)))
    (loop for key being the hash-keys of (attributes node)
          for val being the hash-values of (attributes node)
          do (setf (gethash key map) val))

(defgeneric clone-node (node &optional deep)
  (:documentation "Clone the given node, creating a new instance with the same contents.
If DEEP is non-NIL, the following applies:
The text of COMMENT and TEXT-NODEs is copied as per COPY-SEQ.
The children of NESTING-NODEs are copied as per (CLONE-CHILDREN CHILD T)")
  (:method ((node node) &optional (deep T))
    (declare (ignore deep))
    (make-instance (class-of node)))
  (:method ((node nesting-node) &optional (deep T))
    (let ((clone (make-instance (class-of node)
                                :parent (parent node)
                                :children (make-array 0))))
      (setf (children clone) (clone-children node deep clone))
  (:method ((node child-node) &optional (deep T))
    (declare (ignore deep))
    (make-instance (class-of node)
                   :parent (parent node)))
  (:method ((node textual-node) &optional (deep T))
    (make-instance (class-of node)
                   :text (if deep (copy-seq (text node)) (text node))))
  (:method ((node text-node) &optional (deep T))
    (make-instance (class-of node)
                   :parent (parent node)
                   :text (if deep (copy-seq (text node)) (text node))))
  (:method ((node comment) &optional (deep T))
    (make-instance (class-of node)
                   :parent (parent node)
                   :text (if deep (copy-seq (text node)) (text node))))
  (:method ((node element) &optional (deep T))
    (let ((clone (make-instance (class-of node)
                                :parent (parent node)
                                :tag-name (tag-name node)
                                :children (make-array 0)
                                :attributes (clone-attributes node))))
      (setf (children clone) (clone-children node deep clone))
  (:method ((node doctype) &optional (deep T))
    (make-instance (class-of node)
                   :parent (parent node)
                   :doctype (if deep (copy-seq (doctype node)) (doctype node))))
  (:method ((node xml-header) &optional (deep T))
    (declare (ignore deep))
    (make-instance (class-of node)
                   :parent (parent node)
                   :attributes (clone-attributes node)))
  (:method ((node cdata) &optional (deep T))
    (make-instance (class-of node)
                   :parent (parent node)
                   :text (if deep (copy-seq (text node)) (text node))))
  (:method ((node processing-instruction) &optional (deep T))
    (make-instance (class-of node)
                   :parent (parent node)
                   :tag-name (tag-name node)
                   :text (if deep (copy-seq (text node)) (text node)))))

(defun first-child (element)
  "Returns the first child within the parent or NIL
if the parent is empty."
  (when (< 0 (fill-pointer (children element)))
    (elt (children element) 0)))

(defun last-child (element)
  "Returns the last child within the parent or NIL
if the parent is empty."
  (when (< 0 (fill-pointer (children element)))
    (elt (children element) (1- (fill-pointer (children element))))))

(defun previous-sibling (child)
  "Returns the sibling before this one or NIL if 
it is already the first."
  (let ((pos (child-position child)))
    (when (< 0 pos)
      (elt (family child) (1- pos)))))

(defun next-sibling (child)
  "Returns the sibling next to this one or NIL if
it is already the last."
  (let ((pos (1+ (child-position child)))
        (family (family child)))
    (when (< pos (fill-pointer family))
      (elt family pos))))

(defun vec-remove-if (predicate sequence)
  (loop with vector = (make-array 0 :adjustable T :fill-pointer 0)
        for child across sequence
        unless (funcall predicate child)
          do (vector-push-extend child vector)
        finally (return vector)))

(defun child-elements (nesting-node)
  "Returns a new vector of children of the given node, filtered to elements."
  (vec-remove-if #'(lambda (c) (not (element-p c))) (children nesting-node)))

(defun element-position (child)
  "Returns the index of the child within its parent, counting only elements.
This excludes comments, text-nodes and the like."
  (loop with position = 0
        for sibling across (family child)
        until (eq sibling child)
        when (element-p sibling)
          do (incf position)
        finally (return position)))

(defun sibling-elements (child)
  "Returns the array of sibling elements of the given child.
Note that this is a copy of the array, modifying it is safe.
This excludes comments, text-nodes and the like."
  (vec-remove-if #'(lambda (sibling)
                     (or (eq sibling child)
                         (not (element-p sibling))))
                 (family child)))

(defun family-elements (child)
  "Returns the direct array of children elements of the parent of the given child.
Note that this is a copy of the array, modifying it is safe.
This excludes comments, text-nodes and the like."
  (child-elements (parent child)))

(defun first-element (element)
  "Returns the first child element within the parent or NIL
if the parent is empty. This excludes comments, text-nodes and the like."
  (when (< 0 (fill-pointer (children element)))
    (loop for child across (children element)
          when (element-p child) do (return child))))

(defun last-element (element)
  "Returns the last child element within the parent or NIL
if the parent is empty. This excludes comments, text-nodes and the like."
  (when (< 0 (fill-pointer (children element)))
    (let ((last (elt (children element) (1- (fill-pointer (children element))))))
      (if (element-p last)
          (previous-element last)))))

(defun previous-element (child)
  "Returns the sibling element next to this one or NIL if
it is already last. This excludes comments, text-nodes and the like."
  (let ((pos (1- (child-position child)))
        (family (family child)))
    (loop while (< pos (fill-pointer family))
          for current = (elt family pos)
          do (decf pos)
          when (element-p current)
            do (return-from previous-element current))))

(defun next-element (child)
  "Returns the sibling element next to this one or NIL if
it is already last. This excludes comments, text-nodes and the like."
  (let ((pos (1+ (child-position child)))
        (family (family child)))
    (loop while (< pos (fill-pointer family))
          for current = (elt family pos)
          do (incf pos)
          when (element-p current)
            do (return-from next-element current))))

(defun has-child-nodes (node)
  "Returns T if the node can contain children and
the child array is not empty."
  (and (nesting-node-p node)
       (< 0 (length (children node)))))

(defun attribute (element attribute)
  "Returns the asked attribute from the element
or NIL. If the attribute could not be found, the
second return value is set to NIL."
  (gethash attribute (attributes element)))

(defun (setf attribute) (value element attribute)
  "Set an attribute on an element to the given value."
  (setf (gethash attribute (attributes element)) value))

(defun get-attribute (element attribute)
  "Synonymous to ATTRIBUTE."
  (attribute element attribute))

(defun set-attribute (element attribute value)
  "Synonymous to (SETF (ATTIBUTE ..) ..)"
  (setf (attribute element attribute) value))

(defun remove-attribute (element attribute)
  "Remove the specified attribute if it exists.
Returns NIL."
  (remhash attribute (attributes element))

(defun has-attribute (element attribute)
  "Returns T if the provided attribute exists."
  (nth-value 1 (gethash attribute (attributes element))))

(defmethod text ((node nesting-node))
  "Compiles all text nodes within the nesting-node into one string."
  (with-output-to-string (stream)
    (labels ((r (node)
               (loop for child across (children node)
                     do (typecase child
                          (textual-node (write-string (text child) stream))
                          (nesting-node (r child))))))
      (r node))))

(defun get-elements-by-tag-name (node tag)
  "Searches the given node and returns an unordered
list of child nodes at arbitrary depth that match
the given tag."
  (let ((finds ()))
    (labels ((scanren (node)
               (loop for child across (children node)
                     do (when (element-p child)
                          (when (string-equal tag (tag-name child))
                            (push child finds))
                          (scanren child)))))
      (scanren node))

(defun get-element-by-id (node id)
  "Searches the given node and returns the first
node at arbitrary depth that matches the given ID
  (labels ((scanren (node)
             (loop for child across (children node)
                   do (when (element-p child)
                        (let ((cid (attribute child "id")))
                          (when (string-equal id cid)
                            (return-from get-element-by-id child)))
                        (scanren child)))))
    (scanren node))

(defvar *stream*)
(setf (documentation '*stream* 'variable)
      "The stream to serialize to during SERIALIZE-OBJECT.")

(defun serialize (node &optional (stream T))
  "Serializes NODE to STREAM.
STREAM can be a stream, T for *standard-output* or NIL to serialize to string."
  (cond ((eql stream T)
         (let ((*stream* *standard-output*))
           (serialize-object node)))
        ((eql stream NIL)
         (with-output-to-string (*stream*)
           (serialize-object node)))
         (let ((*stream* stream))
           (serialize-object node)))))

(macrolet ((wrs (&rest strings)
                 ,@(loop for string in strings
                         collect `(write-string ,string *stream*)))))
  (defgeneric serialize-object (node)
    (:documentation "Serialize the given node and print it to *stream*.")
    (:method ((node text-node))
      (encode-entities (text node) *stream*))
    (:method ((node doctype))
      (wrs "<!DOCTYPE " (doctype node) ">"))
    (:method ((node comment))
      (wrs "<!--" (text node) "-->"))
    (:method ((node element))
      (wrs "<" (tag-name node))
      (serialize (attributes node) *stream*)
      (if (< 0 (length (children node)))
            (wrs ">")
            (loop for child across (children node)
                  do (serialize child *stream*))
            (wrs "</" (tag-name node) ">"))
          (wrs "/>")))
    (:method ((node fulltext-element))
      (wrs "<" (tag-name node))
      (serialize (attributes node) *stream*)
      (if (< 0 (length (children node)))
            (wrs ">")
            (loop for child across (children node)
                  when (text-node-p child)
                  do (wrs (text child)))
            (wrs "</" (tag-name node) ">"))
          (wrs "/>")))
    (:method ((node xml-header))
      (wrs "<?xml")
      (serialize (attributes node) *stream*)
      (wrs "?>"))
    (:method ((node cdata))
      (wrs "<![CDATA[" (text node) "]]>"))
    (:method ((node processing-instruction))
      (wrs "<?")
      (when (tag-name node)
        (wrs (tag-name node)))
      (wrs " " (text node) "?>"))
    (:method ((table hash-table))
      (loop for key being the hash-keys of table
            for val being the hash-values of table
            do (wrs " " key)
               (when val
                 (wrs "=\"")
                 (encode-entities val *stream*)
                 (wrs "\""))))
    (:method ((node nesting-node))
      (loop for child across (children node)
            do (serialize child *stream*)))
    (:method ((nodes vector))
      (loop for child across nodes
            do (serialize child *stream*)))))

(defgeneric traverse (node function &key test)
  (:documentation "Traverse the NODE and all its children recursively,
calling FUNCTION on the current node if calling TEST on the current node
returns a non-NIL value. It is safe to modify the child array of the
parent of each node passed to FUNCTION.

NODE is returned." )
  (:method ((node node) function &key (test (constantly T)))
    (when (funcall test node)
      (funcall function node))
  (:method ((node nesting-node) function &key (test (constantly T)))
    (loop for child across (copy-seq (children node))
          do (traverse child function :test test))

(defun trim (node)
  "Trim all text-nodes within NODE (at any depth) of leading and trailing whitespace."
   #'(lambda (node)
       (setf (text node) (string-trim '(#\Space #\Newline #\Tab #\Return #\Linefeed #\Page) (text node))))
   :test #'text-node-p))

(defun strip (node)
  "Trim all text-nodes within NODE (at any depth) of leading and trailing whitespace. 
If their TEXT should be an empty string after trimming, remove them."
   #'(lambda (node)
       (setf (text node) (string-trim '(#\Space #\Newline #\Tab #\Return #\Linefeed #\Page) (text node)))
       (when (string= (text node) "")
         (remove-child node)))
   :test #'text-node-p))
Shinmera commented 8 years ago

Ok, so the copy is exact and the definition is in the file as expected. What if you (asdf:compile-system :plump-dom :force T) and then try again?

TatriX commented 8 years ago
; /home/tatrix/.cache/common-lisp/sbcl-1.3.1-linux-x64/home/tatrix/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/plump-20151031-git/dom-TMP.fasl written
; compilation finished in 0:00:00.227

; file: /home/tatrix/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/plump-20151031-git/dom.lisp
; in:
;      declaim (ftype
;           (function (plump-dom:nesting-node)
;            (and (vector plump-dom:child-node) (not simple-array)))
;           plump-dom:children)
;     (DECLAIM
;      (FTYPE
; --> EVAL-WHEN 
; ==>
;    '(FTYPE
; caught style-warning:
;   undefined type: plump-dom:child-node

; in: defun plump-dom:sibling-elements
; caught style-warning:
;   undefined function: plump-dom:element-p

; in: defun plump-dom:element-position
; caught style-warning:
;   undefined function: plump-dom:element-p

; in: defun plump-dom:child-elements
; caught style-warning:
;   undefined function: plump-dom:element-p

; caught style-warning:
;   6 more uses of undefined function plump-dom:element-p

; file: /home/tatrix/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/plump-20151031-git/dom.lisp
; in: defun plump-dom:has-child-nodes
; caught style-warning:
;   undefined function: plump-dom:nesting-node-p

; in: defun plump-dom:strip
; caught style-warning:
;   undefined function: plump-dom:text-node-p

; in: defun plump-dom:trim
; caught style-warning:
;   undefined function: plump-dom:text-node-p

; in: defgeneric plump-dom:serialize-object
; caught style-warning:
;   undefined function: plump-dom:text-node-p
; compilation unit finished
;   Undefined type:
;     plump-dom:child-node
;   Undefined functions:
;     plump-dom:element-p plump-dom:nesting-node-p plump-dom:text-node-p
;   caught 9 STYLE-WARNING conditions
TatriX commented 8 years ago

Maybe the problem appears only with newest version of the sbcl (1.3.1)?

Shinmera commented 8 years ago

Have you changed the readtable case from the default :upcase somewhere? Can you paste your .sbclrc?

And no, it works fine on 1.3.1 or even more recent 1.3.3.

TatriX commented 8 years ago

Yes I did to :downcase

Shinmera commented 8 years ago

Well there's the reason then.

TatriX commented 8 years ago

So to use plump I have to use default *print-case*?

Shinmera commented 8 years ago

You can test this latest fix, but in general you can pretty safely assume all hell to break loose if you change the readtable case, not just in the case of Plump.

TatriX commented 8 years ago

Working now. Thanks.