Shinoow / AbyssalCraft-Integration

Integration module for AbyssalCraft
6 stars 6 forks source link

[Suggestion] Readd thaumcraft support #17

Open spyguy26 opened 6 years ago

spyguy26 commented 6 years ago

now that thaumcraft is back for 1.12.2 it would be nice to have the aspects back and possibly casters gauntlets made from abyssalcraft materials

Shinoow commented 6 years ago

The aspect code has already been reimplemented in my 1.10.2 and 1.12.2 workspaces, just haven't released an update with it.

spyguy26 commented 6 years ago

allright! looking forward to it, keep up the good work

drakray commented 6 years ago

Could it be possible to move Aspect Registration to preInit to allow ModTweaker to do it's thing please? :D