Shinoow / AbyssalCraft-Integration

Integration module for AbyssalCraft
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Unable to make infusion ritual output NBT data #20

Closed monodemono closed 5 years ago

monodemono commented 5 years ago


Created a custom instance for testing. Mods included: AbyssalCraft AbyssalCraft Integrations 1.6.5 Actually Additions r140 (just added this for the advanced tooltips functionality) CraftTweaker 4.1.9_testC JEI

Here's my test script:

mods.abyssalcraft.InfusionRitual.addRitual("sword", 0, -1, 100, true, <minecraft:diamond_sword>.withTag({ench: [{lvl: 1 as short, id: 19 as short}, {lvl: 1 as short, id: 18 as short}], RepairCost: 0, display: {Name: "Necron's Fury"}}), <minecraft:diamond_sword>, [
        <minecraft:grass>, <minecraft:grass>,
        <minecraft:grass>, <minecraft:grass>, <minecraft:grass>,
        <minecraft:grass>, <minecraft:grass>, <minecraft:grass>
    ], false, []);
game.setLocalization("ac.ritual.sword", "Sword Ritual");
game.setLocalization("ac.ritual.sword.desc", "This ritual enchants and names a diamond sword for testing.");

Client tweaker log has no errors.

As you can see, it's properly added:

screen shot 2018-08-15 at 14 17 29

Properly setup:

screen shot 2018-08-15 at 14 18 02

Runs just fine:

screen shot 2018-08-15 at 14 18 13

But in the end, the output failed...

screen shot 2018-08-15 at 14 18 35

And just for the sake of being thorough, here's a client log, but as you can see there's nothing relating to this issue there:

Shinoow commented 5 years ago