Shinoow / AbyssalCraft-Integration

Integration module for AbyssalCraft
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1.7.10 AC Integration Issues, java.lang.NullPointerException: Initializing game #45

Closed Sudomatica closed 2 years ago

Sudomatica commented 2 years ago


I am making a rather somewhat large modpack for 1.7.10, and the original Abyssalcraft will launch just fine by itself, but when I add in Integration, it crashes upon initialization. I tried disabling mods I don't use in the config file for AC Integration, but it didn't fix anything. There were a couple id issues I fixed between the Crash log and Latest log, but nothing changed.

I did notice in the log it says: [09:25:38] [Client thread/ERROR]: ItemStackToStackMap: AbyssalCraft Integration tried to insert an invalid value of [K: acintegration : Dreadium Dust V: acintegration : Dreadium Dust] into map 'furnace recipe map'

Crash report:

[pastebin/gist/etc link here if the bug results in a crash, leave line empty otherwise]


Affected versions ("latest" is NOT a version):

Latest log file for when the issue was present:


Shinoow commented 2 years ago

Duplicate of #14, read my reply there for more info.