ShinyCode / image-outpainting

Final project for CS 230, Spring 2018.
75 stars 23 forks source link

Outpainting by different masks per image #6

Open NagabhushanSN95 opened 3 years ago

NagabhushanSN95 commented 3 years ago

Hi, I have an image which has some empty regions, mostly towards the borders (outside). But the missing pixels vary with image to image. I need to learn a model to fill them. Can I use your model for the same? From your code, I see that I will just need to change the mask (I know the missing pixels, hence the mask).

But do you think your model is suited for this application? Do you have any suggestions to make your model work better for this use case?

NagabhushanSN95 commented 3 years ago

An example image is as follows. I need to fill the black regions


liutao23 commented 1 year ago

An example image is as follows. I need to fill the black regions


hi,I have the same question,did you slove it?thanks☺️

NagabhushanSN95 commented 1 year ago
