ShinyHobo / BG3-Modders-Multitool

Utility for quickly generating Baldur's Gate 3 mod packs from an unpacked workspace (among other things). This project is not open source; read the license.
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System.Exception: Stat structure file type not accounted for. #360

Closed blzz closed 2 weeks ago

blzz commented 2 weeks ago


This is on a (downloaded from here) fresh MultiTool setup. I have indexed .pak files and unpacked some game files, which went fine according to console output.

When I try to open the GameObjects explorer, this happens, and I don't know what to do about it.

Also, I do not have a "Drive G:\".

[09/02/2024 21:39:29] Opening GameObject Explorer. This could take a while. [09/02/2024 21:39:31] Loading CharacterVisualBanks from cache... [09/02/2024 21:39:31] Loading VisualBanks from cache... [09/02/2024 21:39:32] Loading BodySetVisuals from cache... [09/02/2024 21:39:32] Loading MaterialBanks from cache... [09/02/2024 21:39:32] Loading TextureBanks from cache... [09/02/2024 21:39:33] Translations loaded... [09/02/2024 21:39:33] Reading GameObjects from root templates; this will take a while... [09/02/2024 21:39:41] GameObjects loaded... [09/02/2024 21:39:41] GameObjects failed to load. 12.2296181 seconds passed. [09/02/2024 21:39:41] One or more errors occurred. (Stat structure file type 'Public/CommunityLibrary/Stats/Generated/Data/__MT_GEN_CL_Class_Specific_1722412268891.txt' not accounted for.) [09/02/2024 21:39:41] System.Exception: Stat structure file type 'Public/CommunityLibrary/Stats/Generated/Data/__MT_GEN_CL_Class_Specific_1722412268891.txt' not accounted for. at bg3_modders_multitool.Models.StatStructures.StatStructure.FileType(String file) in G:\BG3\bg3-modders-multitool\bg3-modders-multitool\bg3-modders-multitool\Models\StatStructures\StatStructure.cs:line 62 at bg3_modders_multitool.Services.RootTemplateHelper.ReadData() in G:\BG3\bg3-modders-multitool\bg3-modders-multitool\bg3-modders-multitool\Services\RootTemplateHelper.cs:line 522 at bg3_modders_multitool.Services.RootTemplateHelper.<LoadRootTemplates>b__55_0() in G:\BG3\bg3-modders-multitool\bg3-modders-multitool\bg3-modders-multitool\Services\RootTemplateHelper.cs:line 122 at System.Threading.Tasks.Task 1.InnerInvoke() at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunFromThreadPoolDispatchLoop(Thread threadPoolThread, ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state) --- End of stack trace from previous location --- at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunFromThreadPoolDispatchLoop(Thread threadPoolThread, ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state) at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteWithThreadLocal(Task& currentTaskSlot, Thread threadPoolThread) --- End of stack trace from previous location --- at bg3_modders_multitool.Services.RootTemplateHelper.LoadRootTemplates() in G:\BG3\bg3-modders-multitool\bg3-modders-multitool\bg3-modders-multitool\Services\RootTemplateHelper.cs:line 108

This leads to an empty GameObject explorer with a greyed out dropdown menu.

ShinyHobo commented 2 weeks ago

Mods are not supported in the GOE. You have to remove your mod paks from the data folder as indicated by the presence of "__MT_GEN_CL_Class_Specific_1722412268891" in the error output.

The drive G is referencing my own because that is where I developed from and where it mapped the debug lines to