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Intermittent Long Builds #1389

Closed codeviking closed 9 years ago

codeviking commented 9 years ago

Our build times vary considerably. Sometimes 5 minutes, other-times 2 hours...

Upon examination it appears it relates to the installation of node v0.12.2 -- but sometimes the installation isn't necessary as it's installation appears to have been cached.

Why is this occasionally cached?

codeviking commented 9 years ago


codeviking commented 9 years ago

The project in question: 540e6be63479c5ea8f9e40b3

manishas commented 9 years ago

@codeviking there was a known issue yesterday with some builds timing out and we deployed a fix for that. We also changed out build system architecture from monolothic to microservices very recently and that migration wiped out the cache for customers.

Our caching is per host so it should build up again over the next few builds.

manishas commented 9 years ago

one quick thing - our node specific images have node 0.12 preinstalled, so maybe you can try using those? minv2 is a gigantic image and it might be better to start using a lighter weight image. The language specific images do not come installed with services and tools though, so you'll need to change your yml to install those.

codeviking commented 9 years ago

@manishas But we use both scala and nodejs -- is there an image which would satisfy those requirements?

The builds are also slow today, and intermittently caching the nodejs installation.

What would help is clarification of why the image sometimes has to install nodejs and othertimes it doesn't...

manishas commented 9 years ago

@codeviking it sometimes installs and sometimes doesn't is because it depends on which build host picks up the build. Over a few builds, all hosts build the cache and after that every build is predictably cached. More here -

codeviking commented 9 years ago

Ok, so is there a build image we could use that has both scala and node installed?

manishas commented 9 years ago

not today... minv2 is the only one with multiple languages. I forgot you needed both for the same repo.

We're working on making this easier.

codeviking commented 9 years ago

@manishas Any ETA?

nathanmarks commented 9 years ago

@manishas +1 on an ETA, I also use multiple languages and would like better a configured image so I don't have to worry about installing everything in before_script

codeviking commented 9 years ago

@manishas Also, our builds are now failing due to timeouts regularly. This is definitely having a high impact on my satisfaction with the service. Any immediate work arounds?

codeviking commented 9 years ago

@manishas Our builds for this project now seem to be frozen at the "waiting" stage. I see a lot of similar issues in the past where this was resolved by your team manually resetting the minion. Can you do that for us?

manishas commented 9 years ago

We're looking into this now.

paulcullin commented 9 years ago

+1 on very slow build times but I'm using minv2. Since I'm only using node, I'll try switching to a node-specific minion image and see if that improves performance.

manishas commented 9 years ago

@pcullin-ratio it's always better to use a language specific container.

That said, today's issues are related to docker issues on our build hosts and we're working to resolve them.

rphutchinson commented 9 years ago

@manishas is there a general issue with caching? We have seen our builds (sbt using minv2) go from < 5 minutes typically to consistently 20+ minutes over the last couple of days. It appears that the big difference from when the builds were quicker to now is that it's downloading our project dependencies each time where before those were loaded from a local cache. There haven't been any configuration changes on our end.

codeviking commented 9 years ago

@manishas Any ETA on a fix?

manishas commented 9 years ago

@codeviking can you point me to specific builds that are hanging/timing out or frozen? We made some fixes over the last 2 days and if things are still unstable, we'll look into the specific projects.

codeviking commented 9 years ago

@manishas Over the last 2 days? We were encountering issues just yesterday / last night.

That said our build does seem to be moving, just not as fast as it normally would. I believe that relates to the necessity of reinstalling node with every build.

Any ETA on having a build image with multiple toolkits pre-installed?

manishas commented 9 years ago

@rphutchinson we'll look into your caching issues today. I'll update you when I know more.

manishas commented 9 years ago

@codeviking yes, over the last 2 days. We moved from a monolithic build architecture to microservices, so a pretty major change. This caused some unforeseen issues but we've worked through most of them. More on that in a blog post today.

It will take us a few days to create an image with multiple toolkits. I will need to talk to engineering about a specific ETA. If you know exactly what you need and can provide a Dockerfile, we can get it done pretty quickly. Let me know.

chriskinsman commented 9 years ago

Our build times have gone from minutes on average to 10+ on average now...

manishas commented 9 years ago

@chriskinsman is this for a specific project or across the board? I looked at enabled projects and saw one with a 15 min build time, but the rest seem to be building in 6 mins or lower.... at least the latest builds were.

manishas commented 9 years ago

@rphutchinson caching should work for you now. It might take a few builds to catch up as explained here but let me know if it doesn't work after a few builds.

codeviking commented 9 years ago

@manishas Our builds also increased significantly in time -- they all seem now be at least 30 minutes. They were 2-5 minutes before.

manishas commented 9 years ago

@codeviking can you please point me to specific projects that are slower and we will take a look? I don't see all of your projects take 30 mins, so i want to make sure we look at the right ones.

codeviking commented 9 years ago

The project is that associated with the id I already gave you in this thread.

If you look at the history the build yesterday was (sometimes) taking 2-3 minutes, now it's taking 30 minutes everytime.

manishas commented 9 years ago

@codeviking the latest build took 7 mins. Also, it was taking much longer yesterday, at least according to the dashboard.

screen shot 2015-05-01 at 9 29 15 am

If this is the correct project (540e6be63479c5ea8f9e40b3), then the shorter build times were more like 2-3 weeks ago. The last build was 7 mins since it pulled from the cache. Let's see how long the next few builds take.

chriskinsman commented 9 years ago

If you look at ps-jobscripts I have seen some 15-20 minute build times as measured by start and finish time stamps.

I cancelled one today at the 16 minute mark and restarted it.

On Fri, May 1, 2015 at 9:15 AM, Manisha wrote:

@chriskinsman is this for a specific project or across the board? I looked at enabled projects and saw one with a 15 min build time, but the rest seem to be building in 6 mins or lower.... at least the latest builds were.

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manishas commented 9 years ago

@chriskinsman thanks for the info. Last build took 6 mins, so I'll track times for the next few builds.

We're watching the system very closely today to make sure all our fixes are working + fixing a few smaller bugs which should make everything robust again.

codeviking commented 9 years ago

@manishas How can we resolve the build issue where nvm use 0.12.1 causes our build to be 2-3x as long.

Is there a version of node your team would suggest we use that is either pre-installed or is quicker to install?

nathanmarks commented 9 years ago

@codeviking @manishas I'm installing node 0.12 itself really quickly on a PHP image.

codeviking commented 9 years ago

Huh, I wonder why it's slower on our box. @manishas Any insight?

nathanmarks commented 9 years ago

@codeviking Note that I'm not using NVM.

curl -sL | sudo bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
codeviking commented 9 years ago

@nathanmarks Maybe I'll try switching to that! Thanks!

codeviking commented 9 years ago

@manishas Any update?

manishas commented 9 years ago

Closing this issue. Please feel free to comment or re-open if you are running into this problem.