Shippable / support

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Node memory limited to 3GB even though the cap is 7.5GB #5102

Open hnfp opened 4 years ago

hnfp commented 4 years ago

We are building frontend code that require a lot of memory, previously we have 1 node pool with 4 node (L plan), in the build info, the total memory we get is around 3GB (In "Job node info" stage: free -m), however when we create multiple pool with 1 node each, the total memory we get is 7.5GB, but this way we have to target a specific node pool, otherwise when all the build goes to default pool, the queue become very long, isn't this weird since we are paying for extra node, not node pool?

a-murphy commented 4 years ago

The available memory depends on the size of the nodes and not the number of nodes in the pool. Are all of the nodes you are describing provided by Shippable, or are some static bring-your-own nodes? Do you have swap enabled on some nodes and not others?