Shippable / support

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How do I describe firelensConfiguration in shippable #5104

Open tkumark opened 4 years ago

tkumark commented 4 years ago

How the describe the below task definition for ECS for firelensConfiguration? should it be part of Container level docker options or Top level docker options more info on firelensConfiguration

  "family": "Falco",
  "containerDefinitions": [
      "essential": true,
      "image": "amazon/aws-for-fluent-bit:latest",
      "name": "log_router",
      "firelensConfiguration": {
        "type": "fluentbit",
        "options": {
          "enable-ecs-log-metadata": "true"
      "memory": 128


a-murphy commented 4 years ago

AWS Firelens is not currently supported in deploy jobs. This is most likely a duplicate of

tkumark commented 4 years ago

Thanks Is there a way to see what ECS options which are currently not support by shippable?

a-murphy commented 4 years ago

Unfortunately, we don't have a list of all unsupported features.