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sudo apt-get install ffmpeg suddenly failing with E: Unable to fetch some archives #5129

Open schumannd opened 4 years ago

schumannd commented 4 years ago

First of all, thank you for your great product. The issue arose out of nowhere recently, despite the command working for +12 months.

Link to the build failure:

I tried including sudo apt-get update in the install phase of our shippable.yml, but that results in this error: W: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead. Corresponding build:

The command used to work without any problems. How should I go about debugging this?

We use the node config: Size L x86_64 Ubuntu_14.04 v6.12.4

The last successful build was on 21.7.2020 The first failing build was on 24.7.2020

a-murphy commented 4 years ago

As images get older, sometimes a repository apt-get has been configured to use will be removed or updated and sometimes newer certificates can't be verified. It looks like perhaps the exact version of if the package you are using is no longer available or has been moved. You have two choices to work around this: you can add || true to the sudo apt-get update command to continue even though it's reporting errors because those are for different repositories. Or you can use the v7.2.4 version of the image, which is newer and so will have fewer problems with out-of-date repository information.