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Shippable build failed showing no error (Stuck on reading vendor/composer/installed.json) #5160

Open irfan116 opened 3 years ago

irfan116 commented 3 years ago

Description of your issue:

My Shippable builds get often failed.

a-murphy commented 3 years ago

It appears that the composer install command is failing. Could you try composer install -vvv to increase log output from the Composer command?

irfan116 commented 3 years ago

@a-murphy : add composer install -vvv and here is the output: I have already added vendor to .gitignore


a-murphy commented 3 years ago

In the build linked above, the phing installBuildDeps output shows that an npm install failed. Could that be important?

If not, could you try checking the version of /root/.phpenv/shims/composer since you appear to also be installing Composer at a different location. Perhaps a phpenv rehash would help if it's finding the wrong version?

irfan116 commented 3 years ago

@a-murphy : added phpenv rehash but no luck, still get failing at Reading /root/src/ installed.json. added php7.1 /user/local/bin/composer install instead /root/.phpenv/shims/composer install did work.