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Is it possilbe to run aws cli v2 from shippable? #5175

Open tkumark opened 3 years ago

tkumark commented 3 years ago

Is it possible to run aws cli v2 as a job in shippable? If so how would I go about doing that?

a-murphy commented 3 years ago

The easiest option may be to build your own Docker image with the version of the CLI you would like installed and specify that image in the task's runtime section ( Installation directions for the AWS CLI v2 that should work in a Dockerfile are here. It appears that an AWS Keys integration should still work with version 2, but if you prefer you can use a Key-value Pair integration and any of the CLI configuration methods in your scripts.

Alternatively, you could install the AWS CLI v2 in your script and use a different name for the v2 command as described in the informational box near the top of that page.