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Pipeline being held up - Need Help! #5192

Open sanjaybahrani opened 3 years ago

sanjaybahrani commented 3 years ago

My shippable pipeline is being held up at the Integration clean up stage.

a-murphy commented 3 years ago

It looks like the account that was used to run the job may have been synchronized and lost access to the project while while the build was running. And that perhaps it's been through a few accounts that appeared to have access and were then synchronized today. However, the currently selected account in the project appears to have access. The build linked above will have to be cancelled because it was unable to update the status.

Let us know if you see the same error again, and in the meantime, I'll trigger synchronization of all the accounts believed to have access to the subscription to reduce the chance of an account that no longer has access being chosen again.

sanjaybahrani commented 3 years ago

cancelled previous one and initiated new one. Still see the same issue

pwarnock commented 3 years ago

@a-murphy I attempted to run the job and got the same errors.

genExec|_common|getPreviousState|_getFiles, :getFilesByResourceId failed for resourceId: 78956 with error 401 genExec|_common|saveState|_postFiles, :postFilesByResourceId failed for resourceId: 78956 with error account blocked genExec|pipelines|_updateBuildJobStatusAndVersion, failed to :putBuildJobById for buildJobId: {build job id for run} with err: 401

pwarnock commented 3 years ago

resource 78956 is the name of the manifest

a-murphy commented 3 years ago

I've tried switching the account selected to run builds in the project to match the selected project owner account. The permissions appeared to be valid, but I haven't found any other likely possibilities. Let us know if this helps.

pwarnock commented 3 years ago

Thanks @a-murphy . That worked. Is that something we could've changed? What screen would that be on?

a-murphy commented 3 years ago

It's on the project settings page, but it's a little harder to get to that page when it's not enabled for CI. Editing the URL in the browser address bar when on another project's project settings page or project dashboard should get you there, but not all the settings may make sense when it's not enabled for CI. A few apply to Assembly Lines, such as the builder account.

pwarnock commented 3 years ago
