Shippable / support

Shippable SaaS customers can report issues and feature requests in this repository
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Account flagged and blocked #5200

Closed tobywhughes closed 3 years ago

tobywhughes commented 3 years ago

Hello, my org uses shippable as part of our CI process. I have recently joined this organization, and when logging in with my bitbucket credentials for the first time, my account has been shown to be blocked. I was hoping my account could be unblocked, as shippable is an important part of our CI process and I cannot mitigate any errors that arise.

Email: Username: tobiaswhughes


a-murphy commented 3 years ago

Our algorithm automatically flags potentially malicious accounts but it does give some false positives. Sorry about that... I have unflagged your account so you should be able to sign in.