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Processing Model - D3 #16

Open menchues opened 11 months ago

menchues commented 11 months ago

Create logical process models' (logical Data Flow Diagrams - DFDs) By doing this, we can go back to our requirement definition document and use-case diagrams and we can change them if needed.

To do:

Develop process models: they need to include the context and level diagrams. After drawing Level 0 diagram, detail each process in this diagram as much as possible. Keep breaking the level as much as needed. Follow the notation given in the Power Point. Make DFDs to be read from top-left to bottom-right and avoid crossing lines as much as possible. Make sure all DFDs as decomposed in a meaningful way. Do not violate the rules of data flow diagramming.

After that's done, revisit D2 and change things as needed.

Provide a simple text definition for each process, entity, datastore and each data flow in your diagram. Pay attention toe the data flow names, each should be unique if they are carrying unique data.

Include your updated project plan.

kam212 commented 11 months ago

Currently developing and listing business activities to identify entities, processes, etc.

menchues commented 11 months ago

Requesting feedback from Team about developed DFDs