Shiptheory / Magento-Extension
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Missing template "adminhtml/base/default/template/shiptheory/system/config/fieldset/royalmail.phtml" #10

Open sweetappleuk opened 5 years ago

sweetappleuk commented 5 years ago

Shiptheory_Royalmailst_Block_Adminhtml_System_Config_Fieldset_Hint class has the $_template set to 'shiptheory/system/config/fieldset/royalmail.phtml' however this template is not part of the package...

mikkelson commented 5 years ago

Hello, @sweetappleuk - Thanks for the report.

The code you refer to is not in the extension at all, _Shiptheory_Royalmailst_ refers to another extension, one not covered by this repository. Only this repoistory is maintained, I would recommend installing this extension and removing the _ShiptheoryRoyalmailst extension, the functionality is the same.

Please let me know if I have misunderstood, otherwise I will close the issue in a few days.