ShiqiYu / OpenGait

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LidarGait Lidar Based Method #174

Closed wngTn closed 6 months ago

wngTn commented 6 months ago

What were the hyperparameters for the point-based methods in LidarGait? I.e., for PointNet, PointNet++, and PointTransformer?

chuanfushen commented 6 months ago

Triplet loss is employed with batch size at 8,8,10, refers to ID, sequence per ID, and frames number per sequence respectively.

Point number for training and testing at each frame is 512 points in lidargait paper.

SGD optimizer is with initial learning rate at 0.01, and learning rate multiply 0.1 at 2w and 3w iterations.

I will give an example configuration for pointnet++.

  enable_float16: true
  restore_ckpt_strict: true
  restore_hint: 40000
  save_name: PointNet2
  eval_func: evaluate_indoor_dataset
    batch_shuffle: false
      pointcloud_index: 0 
      points_num: 512
    batch_size: 8
    frames_num_fixed: 10 # fixed frames number for training
    frames_skip_num: 0
    #sample_type: fixed_ordered
    sample_type: all_ordered # all indicates whole sequence used to test, while ordered means input sequence by its natural order; Other options:   fixed_unordered
    frames_all_limit: 720 # limit the number of sampled frames to prevent out of memory
  metric: euc # cos
    - type: BasePointTransform

  - loss_term_weight: 1.0
    margin: 0.2
    type: TripletLoss
    log_prefix: triplet

  model: PointNet2

  lr: 0.01
  momentum: 0.9
  solver: SGD
  weight_decay: 0.0005

  gamma: 0.1
  milestones: # Learning Rate Reduction at each milestones
    - 20000
    - 30000
  scheduler: MultiStepLR
  enable_float16: true # half_percesion float for memory reduction and speedup
  fix_BN: false
  with_test: true #true
  log_iter: 100
  restore_ckpt_strict: true
  restore_hint: 0
  save_iter: 5000
  save_name: PointNet2
  sync_BN: true
  total_iter: 40000
    batch_shuffle: true
      - 8 # TripletSampler, batch_size[0] indicates Number of Identity
      - 8 #                 batch_size[1] indicates Samples sequqnce for each Identity
    frames_num_fixed: 10 # fixed frames number for training
    sample_type: fixed_unordered # fixed control input frames number, unordered for controlling order of input tensor; Other options: unfixed_ordered or all_ordered
    type: TripletSampler
      pointcloud_index: 0
      points_num: 512
    - type: AllPointTransform

Noted that we follow the default model hyperparameter like

wngTn commented 6 months ago

What GPU did you use for training on these point clouds? Since you'd need a forward pass with a tensor of shape (8*8*10, 3, 512). Even with automatic mixed precision, this would require significant amount of memory.

chuanfushen commented 6 months ago

I train PointNet++ on 8 TITAN GPUs, each with 24 GB memory.

LlongXie commented 1 month ago

Hi, Dr. Shen, I noticed that you use transforms like BasePointTransform and AllPointTransform when training pointnet++, but they are not included in opengait/data/ Could you please provide some details or code about PointNet++ trained on SUSTech1K? That would be much appreciated!

chuanfushen commented 1 month ago

Hi, Dr. Shen, I noticed that you use transforms like BasePointTransform and AllPointTransform when training pointnet++, but they are not included in opengait/data/ Could you please provide some details or code about PointNet++ trained on SUSTech1K? That would be much appreciated!

Hi, Currently, I have no time to make code publicly available. I can provide the necessary information to help you reproduce transform for point clouds.

Basically, there are only few things in PointTransform:

Hope this can help you

LlongXie commented 1 month ago

That's very helpful, thanks. Good luck to you!