ShiqiYu / OpenGait

A flexible and extensible framework for gait recognition. You can focus on designing your own models and comparing with state-of-the-arts easily with the help of OpenGait.
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我是一个新人,请问大家怎么才能在windows上运行opengait呢? #214

Closed liguge closed 4 days ago

liguge commented 1 month ago

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我应该怎样在windows上进行测试运行呢?目前没有linux系统。python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=2 opengait/ --cfgs ./configs/baseline/baseline.yaml --phase train 如果将这个语句改为windows pytorch运行的形式? 我应该怎么修改代码? `python import os import torch.distributed as dist

# 设置环境变量
os.environ['MASTER_ADDR'] = 'localhost'
os.environ['MASTER_PORT'] = '29565'
torch.distributed.init_process_group('gloo', init_method='env://', rank=0, world_size=2)
if torch.distributed.get_world_size() != torch.cuda.device_count():
    raise ValueError("Expect number of available GPUs({}) equals to the world size({}).".format(
        torch.cuda.device_count(), torch.distributed.get_world_size()))
cfgs = config_loader(opt.cfgs)
if opt.iter != 0:
    cfgs['evaluator_cfg']['restore_hint'] = int(opt.iter)
    cfgs['trainer_cfg']['restore_hint'] = int(opt.iter)

training = (opt.phase == 'train')
initialization(cfgs, training)
run_model(cfgs, training)


heyihao2018 commented 4 weeks ago


liguge commented 4 days ago

你好,我把所有跟分布式有关的代码都删掉,就不报错了,希望可以帮助到你,rank=0,world_size=1 感谢您的回复,请问dataset代码中,self.cache这个变量的意思是什么呢