ShiqiYu / OpenGait

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Concatenation error between pose and sil data using skeletongait++ #224

Open nyanmn opened 4 days ago

nyanmn commented 4 days ago

System information (version)

- Pytorch => 2.3.0
- Operating System / Platform => Ubuntu 22.04
- Cuda => 12.0

Steps to reproduce

Heatmap creation CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1 python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=4 datasets/ --pose_data_path=data/ccpg-keypoints --save_root=data/heatmap --dataset_name=CCPG

Creating Symbolic Links for Heatmap and Silhouette Data python datasets/ --heatmap_data_path=/workspace/home/user/OpenGait/data/heatmap/CCPG_sigma_8.0_/pkl --silhouette_data_path=/workspace/home/user/OpenGait/data/ccpg-keypoints --output_path=/workspace/home/user/OpenGait/data/linked_outputs

Training SkeletonGait++ CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1 python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=2 opengait/ --cfgs ./configs/skeletongait/skeletongait++_CCPG.yaml --phase train --log_to_file

data_config part for configuration file.

  dataset_name: CCPG
  dataset_root: /workspace/home/user/OpenGait/data/linked_outputs
  dataset_partition: ./datasets/CCPG/CCPG.json
  num_workers: 1
  data_in_use: [True, True] # heatmap, sil
  remove_no_gallery: false # Remove probe if no gallery for it
  test_dataset_name: CCPG

The error is

File "/workspace/home/user/OpenGait/opengait/modeling/models/", line 86, in inputs_pretreament
[rank1]:     cat_data = np.concatenate([pose, sil], axis=1) # [T, 3, H, W]
[rank1]:   File "<__array_function__ internals>", line 180, in concatenate
[rank1]: ValueError: all the input array dimensions for the concatenation axis must match exactly, but along dimension 2, the array at index 0 has size 64 and the array at index 1 has size 17

Those tensors were printed out and the sizes were

(30, 2, 64, 50)
(30, 1, 17, 3)

Issue submission checklist

jdyjjj commented 3 days ago

(30, 1, 17, 3) It appears to be pose data rather than silhouette data. I hope you can check the data again.

nyanmn commented 3 days ago

Thanks for the reply. When symbolic links for heatmap and silhouette data are created, code is expecting pkl file for both heatmap and silhouette. But for CCPG dataset, silhouettes are png images, not pkl files. So do I need to convert png to pkl files?

jdyjjj commented 3 days ago can help you.

nyanmn commented 3 days ago

Thanks. That is what I need.