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Careers Screen - Add Popup ( Internships ) #76

Open ummadiharish1995 opened 1 month ago

ummadiharish1995 commented 1 month ago

Currently in the Careers Screen Under Internships tab following are the list of issue's .

  1. Special characters and more than 50 characters are currently allowed in the following fields: Position, Description, Duration, Work Location, and Skill Requirement. they should not be allowed.
  2. More than 50 characters are currently allowed in the fields: Company Name, Qualification Required, and About Company in the internship Screen. However, it should not allow more than 50 characters.
  3. The contact number field is currently allowing more than 10 digits and less than 10 digits. It should only accept exactly 10 digits.
  4. The Duration and Stipend Amount fields should only accept alphanumeric characters, but they are currently allowing special characters as well.
  5. Start date and applied date fields are currently displaying the date in YYYY.MM.DD format after selection, but they should display it in DD.MM.YYYY format.

Requirement :

  1. In the fields Position, Description, Duration, Work Location, and Skill Requirement, special characters and more than 50 characters should not be allowed.
  2. The fields Company Name, Qualification Required, and About Company should not allow more than 50 characters.
  3. The contact number field should only accept exactly 10 digits.
  4. The Duration and Stipend Amount fields should only accept alphanumeric characters.
  5. Start date and applied date fields should display the date in DD.MM.YYYY format.


AnilV12 commented 1 month ago


  1. The Description field should allow up to 250 characters.
  2. The Skill Requirement and About Company fields should allow up to 500 characters each.
  3. The Position field should allow special characters.
  4. Contact Number, Start Date, Stipend Amount, Apply by date and Duration fields are not allowing Tab
AsutoshSahu75 commented 1 month ago

The Description field should allow up to 250 characters. The Skill Requirement and About Company fields should allow up to 500 characters each. The Position field should allow special characters. Contact Number, Start Date, Stipend Amount, Apply by date and Duration fields are not allowing Tab fixed..

ummadiharish1995 commented 1 month ago


The functionalities are pending or not responding as expected after the latest deployment.

  1. In the fields (Contact Number, Start Date, Duration, Stipend Amount, Apply by Date) - The back arrow is not functioning, and the cursor is not moving to select text or numbers.
  2. The character length functionality works as expected, but the character count is not displayed.