Shitikantha / SCP_DEFECT

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My Profile - My Account page fields validations #79

Open AnilV12 opened 1 month ago

AnilV12 commented 1 month ago

My Profile - My Account page

  1. My Profile Screen – before click on edit button all fields should be grey colour back ground and grey colour border. After click on edit button all editable fields back ground white and borders of all fields in blue colour as per figma.
  2. Gender and Security Question combo boxs border is blue colour when it non editable mode also. It should be in grey colour border
  3. Date of birth is in black colour border and shaded. Date of Birth filed should be editable.
  4. As per figma ABOUT ME field is not available in My Profile page.
  5. All Upload button text is in bold, it should be in normal font.
  6. Password field should have old password with stars.

Screen 1 [ point 1, 2, 5, and 3]


Screen 2 [ Point 6]


Screen 3 [Point 4 Figma]


AsutoshSahu75 commented 1 month ago

Password field should have old password with stars. --- invalid defects others are fixed.

AnilV12 commented 4 weeks ago

Team Non Editable fields should be in gray color in all three logins Figma




AsutoshSahu75 commented 3 weeks ago

Team Non Editable fields should be in gray color in all three logins Figma -- fixed

AnilV12 commented 3 weeks ago


All issues are fixed, except 6th issue. as per figma stars should be.

  1. Password field should have old password with stars.





Shitikantha commented 1 week ago

As per last discussion with Harish and Sandeep we will not populate password