Shivanandroy / KeyPhraseTransformer

KeyPhraseTransformer lets you quickly extract key phrases, topics, themes from your text data with T5 transformer | Keyphrase extraction | Keyword extraction
MIT License
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How to train model for other language? #1

Closed wushixian closed 2 years ago

wushixian commented 2 years ago

The package is really good, but I want to use it for other language, and I tried to modify the model path and use other T5 model, but the model cannot be loaded? May I know how to train a model from scratch? Thanks a lot.

Shivanandroy commented 2 years ago

@wushixian: KeyPhraseTransformer, under the hood, uses a T5 model (but trained in a specific way). If you want to extract keywords from other languages, I would suggest the following:

wushixian commented 2 years ago

Thanks a lot, I'll try to train a model.

z-arabi commented 1 year ago


I tried to fine tune this model on persian language. I have a question. What will happen when we call this function? It didn't take me long time to execute. How exactly the fine tuning happens in this model?

kp = KeyPhraseTransformer(model_type="mt5", model_name="folder")