ShivangiSingh17 / Java-Jet

This repository contains simple Java concepts that I learnt during the course:mag_right: :mag_right:
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Travis based syntax checker #21

Open ShivangiSingh17 opened 4 years ago

ShivangiSingh17 commented 4 years ago

A Travis config file has to be created with several bash files for checking syntax of the code submitted in PRs

  1. A travis.yml file will be created in root. The purpose of this file would be to set up a basic Linux node on Travis and fetch all files that have been changed/created in the specific PR
  2. Further, a directory "build_scripts" will be created that will contain a bash file for each language. The purpose of each file is to install the required compiler and dependencies and check syntax for a particular language

Travis CI will execute the desired file from "build_scripts" after inspecting the language of files present in the PR.

ShivangiSingh17 commented 4 years ago

@puneet29 Go Ahead!!